I have found a serious misunderstanding either on my behalf or others, not sure which.
The question is in relation to which blip pile is used when an event card activates GS's.
My Opinion: I feel the rules indicate that you draw an event card and pull GS's from the left or right pile based on the location on the card. Left comes from left and right comes from right. Regardless of where the terrain piece is. That way the blip piles are semi-evenly depleted.
Others opinion: The GS's are pulled from the pile that matches the side the colored terrain piece is from. Therefore for example if both yellow and red are on the left, all GS's are pulled from the left pile. This could deplete a pile pretty quickly. Two major activations could take 4 GS from a pile of 5 or 6 if the terrain is on one side.
I think it is obvious why I want clarity on this as it impacts a Major mechanic of the game. Traveling is soley based on piles being depleted. Therefore a method of pulling that would deplete a pile in two turns would otherwise take thre or four turns possibly.
Hopefully I have explained my point and the two methods well enough to allow replies.