rss feeds

By spazard1, in Support

it would be awesome if there were RSS feeds for specific games or forums. Better yet, it would be awesome to be able to "watch" certain games or threads and have a custom (per player) RSS feed that only showed news from things you were watching. would be totally awesome.

Agreed! The new forums are missing RSS feeds.

spazard1 said:

it would be awesome if there were RSS feeds for specific games or forums. Better yet, it would be awesome to be able to "watch" certain games or threads and have a custom (per player) RSS feed that only showed news from things you were watching. would be totally awesome.

Agreeded. I wouldn't think that it would be that had to code.

agreed. i used to have rss feed on the old forum. the email alternative is horrific for my inbox

It would be awesome if the RSS feeds were on the support page of each RPG product as well.

support page of FIFA 15 XBOX Coins each RPG product as well.