Is this a portable game

By Flaming0, in Anima: The Card Game

Before I buy, is this a game you can explain to friends and play within an hour and a half? I know this is a short post, so I'll try to extend it by saying bananas.

Yes if your friends are avid gamers / RPG players... If no, its a bit of a problem but if your a good teacher, im sure everything will go smoothly...

Although I must say that the game most of the times took me more than two hours to finish.

Flaming0 said:

Before I buy, is this a game you can explain to friends and play within an hour and a half? I know this is a short post, so I'll try to extend it by saying bananas.

Length of play is greatly effected by number of players. 2 or 3 player games are quick. 4+ tend to take longer.