In a moment of complete wishful thinking I'm really crossing my fingers that if the Ancient Ones have any major involvement in MoM besides being a looming presence some premium large scale figures of them will be available to purchase eventually, preferably with the option of having them unpainted. I'm not sure exactly how big these things would need to be but I love the idea. I realise there is probably zero chance of this happening but it would be fantastic.
Large figures
After the AH investigator figures were announced, I had a dream that Ancient One figures were as well. Each one had a massive base with tentacles swirling around where the doom tokens were placed. That was an awesome dream. *sigh*
Glad someone else wants them! I mean when you think about it they would be absolutely no use whatsoever, certainly within AH, can't speak for MoM yet. They would essentially have to sit at the edge of the table with a black cloth over them, then at the end of the game you pull the cloth off and tip over your investigators as they go mad. But it'd still look pretty.
It depends on the rules obviously I can't help but feel MoM may be a very canny move by FFG to start trying to capture more of the CoC RPG crowd by doing something a little more along those lines - a tabletop CoC could be very popular. It's why I'm holding out hope this does really well and we may get to see expansions beyond a mansion and decent set of mythos figures could only help bolster that popularity among the large group of CoC players who don't play AH.
Of course this is all complete and utter hypotheticals but hey-ho...
AO's sounf nice but when I saw the minis included in MoM I begun to wonder if we would get a set of unoainted Monster minis for AH?
causeitwasfunny said:
After the AH investigator figures were announced, I had a dream that Ancient One figures were as well. Each one had a massive base with tentacles swirling around where the doom tokens were placed. That was an awesome dream. *sigh*
I think I get what you mean, and if I'm right, you can go to . It's a large-scale Cthulhu on a horrorclix base, and if you were really serious, you could clip of the base and paint it a different color scheme. Hope this helps.
KingTut said:
causeitwasfunny said:
After the AH investigator figures were announced, I had a dream that Ancient One figures were as well. Each one had a massive base with tentacles swirling around where the doom tokens were placed. That was an awesome dream. *sigh*
I think I get what you mean, and if I'm right, you can go to . It's a large-scale Cthulhu on a horrorclix base, and if you were really serious, you could clip of the base and paint it a different color scheme. Hope this helps.
A friend of mine actually does have that already. We used it once during a session of AH. It was good times.
Also, I think everyone knows RAFM makes Cthulhu-verse miniatures already, right? Some of these might be perfect for additional material for the base game.
Post Monster said:
Also, I think everyone knows RAFM makes Cthulhu-verse miniatures already, right? Some of these might be perfect for additional material for the base game.
Yeah, I've seen them. Some of them are pretty good, but I'm not a fan of their Cthulhu sculpt. The head looks really swollen.
viper_1 said:
Easy for you to say.