Dice--stupid question i know...

By mixykym, in Death Angel

hi guys.

my copy arrived yesterday from IGUK,,we were playing Gorkamorka at the time so after his mob bottled out we got stuck into Death Angel,mmmm new packaging happy.gif .

a couple of silly things came up..

firstly is the 0 on the die a zero or a square !? if the marines roll it while defending if a zero they die right for less than the number of stealers...

if its a square is it a way of a huge swarm 6+ of stealers missing..?

my brother leon rolled this "0" 5 times in the game !

next question ,swarm movement,..if one stealer in a swarm has the movement icon,ALL the swarm moves with him correct ?.my mate hated that idea because a swarm of 9 moved to his guy although only two stealers had that icon.

so far so good ...


mixykym said:

hi guys.

my copy arrived yesterday from IGUK,,we were playing Gorkamorka at the time so after his mob bottled out we got stuck into Death Angel,mmmm new packaging happy.gif .

a couple of silly things came up..

firstly is the 0 on the die a zero or a square !? if the marines roll it while defending if a zero they die right for less than the number of stealers...

if its a square is it a way of a huge swarm 6+ of stealers missing..?

my brother leon rolled this "0" 5 times in the game !

next question ,swarm movement,..if one stealer in a swarm has the movement icon,ALL the swarm moves with him correct ?.my mate hated that idea because a swarm of 9 moved to his guy although only two stealers had that icon.

so far so good ...


It's a Zero and Yes. Huge Swarms are indeed deadly - massed firepower plus CC attacks to whittle it down is usually the only option to deal with it.

And you have Stealer Movement correct. Again, another reason why big swarms are so nasty.


thankyou tim.

i found the die answer after reading an example...

glad we were playing correctly..

Oh... so every Swarm containg a Stealer with that icon moves? The whole lot? ****! I've been playing wrong again!...


Once Genestealers end up at the same place, they stay with eachother for the rest of the game (or hopefully as long as they live ;) ) moving along while one does.

Swarms with a Broodlord therefor move quite often.