Event Schedule Madness!

By tehKriz, in Arkham Nights

I just was able to look at the event schedule today and I am super excited for everything!

What are some thoughts about the scheduling?

What events are you looking forward to the most and which ones do you think you'll be participating in?

Is anyone on here planning to do the costume contest? I personally am not, but I am very interested to see what people will come in costume as and hope to take many pictures if I am allowed :)

I plan on playing in the LCG tournament (not that I think I'll actually win or even place for that matter) to try and test out playing against people that I do not know. Hope any of you that are pretty slick at the game can try and help me improve mine.

My roommate Nick is coming with me, so we are hoping to try and get in some games of Arkham Horror together and a few other things. Streets of Insanity looks pretty crazy, so I might have to get in on that before or after the LCG tournament and also the Order of the Silver Twilight Seminar. The cube draft might be a cool chill thing to do on Sunday.

Crash Course in Cthulhu looks pretty fun as I have only played the RPG once and I will be starting my own campaign 2 weeks before Arkham Nights. If I can get in on Mansions of Madness that would be nice, but if I don't get picked, I am cool with that too. I wonder if they will have copies we can purchase before the official release.

Those are my thoughts and ramblings, what are yours?


I'm looking to get into many games of Arkham Horror, especially the ones with RL or KW. That would be great. But any others would be fine. Base set, expansions, insanity, I don't care. AH AH AH.

I also at some point would like to try a session of the Cthulhu RPG, just to see what it's about. And I'd like to learn the LCG, but don't expect to be overly excited by it (but you never know, I'm keeping an open mind).

The holy grail, though, would be to get a chance to play Mansions of Madness.

Seminars, maybe, if I'm not doing anything else at the time. Costume, no.

tehKriz said:

What are some thoughts about the scheduling?

What events are you looking forward to the most and which ones do you think you'll be participating in?

Is anyone on here planning to do the costume contest?

I am kind of sad that I am going to miss the Mansions of Madness seminar if I play in the LCG tourney. Really wanted to listen in on that one. Not a big deal as its got to be hard to get the scheduling down so everyone can participate in everything. But still a bit sad. Probably have Katja attend the mansions of madness seminar so she can fill me in on whats what after the tourney.

Looking forward to a chance at playing Mansions of madness, I will also be playing in the LCG tourney, though I am on the fence as to wether or not to bring cheese decks since I normally play the game so casually. Meeting Richard Launius will be a hoot.I'll bring my arkham Horror box lid for him to sign.

Definitely doing the costume contest. Not sure if Katja is doing a costume though.

I'm showing up in costume, not sure if it is really "contest worthy" though....that is assuming I find my lab coat. Bloody thing went missing on me. I intend to be there as Dr. West.

Yeah, I'm going to be doing the costume contest. Both me and my lady in fact. I'm really pumped about the Mansions of Madness demo and I would sell my soul to any ancient eldritch horror to get a chance to play it. I also plan on playing in the LCG Tournament even though I have only the base set and one expansions So I'll probably get trounced. but oh well It will still be an awesomely good time