Lt Encounters in RtL

By JDtrue, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Another forum thread reminded of a question I had the other day.

Do you need to spend XP for treachery cards to go in your hand to use in an Lt encounter? Could someone describe to me how you go about putting treachery cards into your hand? In normal Descent you would just look at the quest page and it tells you which treachery to use. In RtL if I understand correctly, you must purchase these treachery cards through XP. These cards stay with you for the campaign and you shuffle them in when a new dungeon pops up. But since you don't get an OL deck with encounters it says you can pay for the Treachery cards to be put in your hand for Lt encounters.

So do you pay for the Treachery cards you already bought with XP again to be place in your hand for the Lt encounter?

Do you just take the ones you already paid for and place them in your hand?

Can you buy new treachery cards instead (if you haven't already reached your max)?

If you can buy new treachery cards, are those cards available for use in future dungeons?

Also, I'm assuming you use the location deck for Lt encounters like normal encounters even if the encounters are on a city or dungeon space (actually I think those are the only places you will encounter a Lt)?

Thanks for any help you guys can give in advance. This is the one part that seems to be sticking with me understanding.

Purchasing treachery with XP sets your treachery limits. At the start of every dungeon and every lieutenant encounter you use those treachery points to pick cards you want to use (shuffled in for a dungeon or put directly in your hand for an encounter). Once the points are spent they're yours forever, and you can change which cards you're using every time a dungeon or lieutenant encounter starts.

James McMurray said:

Purchasing treachery with XP sets your treachery limits. At the start of every dungeon and every lieutenant encounter you use those treachery points to pick cards you want to use (shuffled in for a dungeon or put directly in your hand for an encounter). Once the points are spent they're yours forever, and you can change which cards you're using every time a dungeon or lieutenant encounter starts.

Great. Thanks for the reply. So let's say the first number is 20 and the limit is 3 on the Avatar card. You spend 20 xp for 1 treachery point? That point stays with you until you spend it? Or do you have to spend it immediately? When a you purchase a treachery card you have the card for the remainder of the campaign and can immediately add it to your hand in a Lt encounter?

Thanks so much for getting back to me, just want to understand this rule.

I just reread what you wrote. If I understand this correctly, you purchase treachery points by spending XP to a max of whatever the limit is. So in my example above, I spend 60 xp and will get 3 treachery points (my max). These 3 treachery points I can use every time I go to a dungeon or Lt encounter. What's the best way to keep track of the treachery points? Or is it just noted on the pad of paper supplied in RtL?

You spend the 20 to increase your treachery rating by 1. So if you were to increase your spawn treachery to 1 you would then be able to choose 1 point of spawn treachery at the start of every dungeon and lieutenant encounter. That card can change between dungeons and encounters. For example:

Week 5: The OL increases his Trap treachery by one and the heroes enter a dungeon. The OL chooses to replace Bane Spider Swarm with an extra Dark Charm. At the end of the week the extra Dark Charm is removed from the dungeon deck.

Week 6: The heroes enter another dungeon. This time the OL opts to get a Poison Pit trap instead, replacing an Aim.

Week 7: The OL increases his spawn treachery to 1 and the heroes attack Eliza. The OL picks a Dark Charm and a Legions of the Dead to add to his hand. After Eliza flees the heroes attack Aldric. The OL picks Dark Charm and Shadow Spooks this time.

I just reread what you wrote. If I understand this correctly, you purchase treachery points by spending XP to a max of whatever the limit is. So in my example above, I spend 60 xp and will get 3 treachery points (my max). These 3 treachery points I can use every time I go to a dungeon or Lt encounter. What's the best way to keep track of the treachery points? Or is it just noted on the pad of paper supplied in RtL?

Correct, though you can only upgrade treachery once per week so technically you'd spend 20, then 20, then 20. We just used the log paper, though IIRC there's some online versions that are bigger and easier to use than the one that came with RtL.

James McMurray said:

You spend the 20 to increase your treachery rating by 1. So if you were to increase your spawn treachery to 1 you would then be able to choose 1 point of spawn treachery at the start of every dungeon and lieutenant encounter. That card can change between dungeons and encounters. For example:

Week 5: The OL increases his Trap treachery by one and the heroes enter a dungeon. The OL chooses to replace Bane Spider Swarm with an extra Dark Charm. At the end of the week the extra Dark Charm is removed from the dungeon deck.

Week 6: The heroes enter another dungeon. This time the OL opts to get a Poison Pit trap instead, replacing an Aim.

Week 7: The OL increases his spawn treachery to 1 and the heroes attack Eliza. The OL picks a Dark Charm and a Legions of the Dead to add to his hand. After Eliza flees the heroes attack Aldric. The OL picks Dark Charm and Shadow Spooks this time.

I just reread what you wrote. If I understand this correctly, you purchase treachery points by spending XP to a max of whatever the limit is. So in my example above, I spend 60 xp and will get 3 treachery points (my max). These 3 treachery points I can use every time I go to a dungeon or Lt encounter. What's the best way to keep track of the treachery points? Or is it just noted on the pad of paper supplied in RtL?

Correct, though you can only upgrade treachery once per week so technically you'd spend 20, then 20, then 20. We just used the log paper, though IIRC there's some online versions that are bigger and easier to use than the one that came with RtL.