Mountains Of Madness / Ancien Horrors AP's offered !

By Investigator, in CoC Trade Forum

Kind folk,

I've just put up ebay-auctions for 2 Mountains of Madness and 2 Ancient Horrors AP's.
I'm asking premium prices, because that's what i paid to get them.

You can find the auctions simply by searching "cthulhu LCG mountains" or "cthulhu LCG ancient"

Best regards,


oooh....well-played Thomas, well played indeeeeed demonio.gif

I shall be looking at these with great interest !

Actually, Thomas....I took care of both of those last ones for you - meaning....I rapidly bought them ! gran_risa.gif Yay - let us know if you ever get others of these - or Spawn of the Sleeper // Antediluvian Dreams (I can never find these either)

Alright then,
AP's in the mail, topic closed !

Kind regards,
