Your home rules?

By KillerGoblin, in DungeonQuest

I've made two so far.

"Reusable runes"

Basically, when you use your rune, you apply any effects as normal, but also you test luck. If you make the test, you keep the rune, if you fail the test, your rune is gone. Each time you pass the test, put one determination token on the rune's card. subtract 1 from your luck stat for each determination token on the rune card the next time you use the rune and roll to see if you keep it.


When you use a rune, draw another rune from the remaining runes and keep it, then put your previous rune in the stack of rune cards, and finally shuffle the rune cards. Repeat each time a player uses a rune.

I have a rule that allows you to retrieve your corpse when you die. Enabling you to get all your loot back that remained on your corpse when you died and recover some missing hit points (you start at half when you resurrect after death). It also enables other players to come along and steal any loot off your corpse and maybe a little PVP combat.

As I've griped they were lacking (such a griper) - we've started giving some magic items bonus effects for fun (e.g. Belt of STR lets you lift 1 free portcullis)

We dont use power cards during combat to speed up things (they are still used for escape tests). Adjusted Challara to "...if you have 8 wounds or more you draw only 4 combat cards in the first round of combat".