Great Wyrm and Mimic

By dragon76, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just a quick poll for thoughts on the above combination.

I'm running a RTL campaign as the Great Wyrm. A portion of my special ability being that I gain one conquest each time a hero opens a chest.

In a particular dungeon the heroes open a chest upon which I play a Mimic card. This trap's trigger condition is that the chest is opened.

When do I get my conquest?

1.) The trigger gives me my conquest and the mimic gets played out. Heroes either kill the mimic (gaining their contents of the chest) or move on(gaining nothing).

2.) The trigger is only used to play the mimic and neither the heroes nor I get anything until they decide to kill the mimic. If they move on everyone loses out.

Relevant text. Great Wyrm's ability:

Each time the heroes open a chest, you gain one conquest token. In addition, each time the heroes pick up a pile of gold, you gain 4 threat.

Relevant text. Mimic card:

Play this card when a hero opens a chest. The chest is alive, and its contents cannot be distributed until it is killed. Move the chest marker to an adjacent space. Threat it as a Beastman and activate it immediately. After its activation, the hero's turn resumes. If the chest is killed, the contents of the chest are immediately distributed.

A quick read through the FAQ only has mention of Curses being doled out first. As there are no Curses in RTL this seems to be of little importance other than indicating that the OL's benefits are immediate while the Heroes' benefits may be delayed (mimic specifically mentioned).

Relevant text. FAQ:

Q: When a chest contains curses, can the overlord use the threat generated by the curses to play a trap on that chest? Does the trap go off before or after the rest of the chest contents are distributed?
A: Curses are always the first thing distributed from a chest, and threat from curses may be used to play a trap card in response to opening the chest. The rest of the chest contents are only distributed after the trap card (if any) resolves. In the case of a Mimic or similar card, this could be several turns later!

A quick search through the GLOAQ and the FAQ list that Thundercles has posted doesn't mention anything about this at all.


dragon76 said:

Relevant text. Mimic card:

Play this card when a hero opens a chest. The chest is alive, and its contents cannot be distributed until it is killed. Move the chest marker to an adjacent space. Threat it as a Beastman and activate it immediately. After its activation, the hero's turn resumes. If the chest is killed, the contents of the chest are immediately distributed.

The chest is opened, it's just that the contents aren't distributed yet.
You get your benefits when the chest is opened. Not when the contents are distributed.
The Curses are just a backup reason!

The only thing I can see it making a difference for is Divine Favour, since that is the only thing in which CT score matters 'right now' as opposed to 'at the start of the next week'.

I agree with Corbon. The triggering condition for you gaining a Conquest is the same trigger that allowed you to play the trap. Therefore you would get conquest at the same time as the trap is played. (Note that this does not violate the "no two cards per trigger" rule because you gaining a conquest isn't the result of a card being played.)

That's pretty much what I was thinking. But it can be very helpful to get one or two of the heavyweights on the forum to confirm.

Thanks a lot for your opinions.

Steve-O said:

(Note that this does not violate the "no two cards per trigger" rule because you gaining a conquest isn't the result of a card being played.)

Plus, there isn't actually a restriction of "no two cards per trigger." There's a restriction of one event card per trigger, and a separate restriction of one trap card per trigger, but you can play both one event card and one trap card (plus other types of cards, potentially) all in response to the same trigger.