I have some miscellaneous, nitty-gritty questions that should hopefully challenge you! Answers or speculations are appreciated!
1) I assume that once rune-locked doors are unlocked, they are no longer considered “rune-locked”, and thus normal monsters can close and shut them?
2) Can power dice be added AFTER a rerolled dodge or aimed attack? If so, can just those new power dice be targeted by a dodge/aim for a reroll?
3) I know that the FAQ says Dark Charm targets the hero like a “figure”, so Command from your monsters works on him. But is the charmed hero also considered a “monster”, so that he can be targeted by Rage, or is he just a figure making an “attack”, and thus can only be targeted by other cards of yours like “Aim” (which say playable on an attack)?
4) This one was probably answered somewhere. If a large monster is over a pit, can a figure in the pit get out, or must that figure simply whale on the monster’s underbelly to get him to move?
5) In a forum I saw someone write that “heroes at the same space may claim an item before the dropped item would be lost in the dungeon as per rules.” Was this rule added somewhere? Would it be fair to implement this in the base game?
6) Finally, the one I care the most about: Web and power dice! I noticed the explanation of WEB was substantially changed in Road to Legend! You still try to roll a power die for each web token on you, but now it also reads: "plus one additional black power die for each die of Melee trait the hero has (the number of bonus power dice rolled when the hero makes a melee attack).... Monsters caught in a web remove tokens the same way, except that they roll one black power die for each web token, plus one extra black power die for each space they occupy beyond the first."
This made me wonder how everyone plays it in their base game, or at least in their non-campaign games. Do you use the new Web definition, or you use the original one where you only get one power die, no matter what hero you are? Basically, do you see something about webs in Rtl and beyond that requires this nerf, or do you think it was simply meant to correct the already very strong power of webs, and should be applied to base game-only games as well? I’ve only played 6 games of Descent, but it seems to me that Webs are very powerful, and perhaps worse, quite frustrating for the player who cannot move his character on repeated turns—especially if that character is one who cannot move much to begin with (aka, the tank)!
--prof. joe