Diagonal movement question

By Mcmanus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I know you can move diagonally around a corner, but...after reading the rules again:

Figures may move into any adjacent space (including diagonal spaces) for 1 movement point each, but must remain on the board at all times during their move.

If you move around a corner, the figure doesnt stay ON the board all the time!

I played in that way last day(figures cant move around the corners diagonally) and seems more than ok to make tactics offenssive and defensive ones.

Any of you play in this way?

We used to play this way in the beginning, as our OL stumbled across the same part with "figures off board" in the rules. After rechecking in the forum we were told that this is the wrong way to play.

We played about 10 Vanilla Games and 2 whole RTL-Campaigns until we switched to the regular way, and for me it doesn't make that much difference. The Heroes proceed faster now, but the OL can also reach the heroes quicker, so IMHO it evens out.

Just my personal opinion.

By the way, if you play it the "wrong" way, there are some maps with unreachable places, which is even more a reason for me to play it "right". Don't remember which maps it were though...


Mcmanus said:

I know you can move diagonally around a corner, but...after reading the rules again:

Figures may move into any adjacent space (including diagonal spaces) for 1 movement point each, but must remain on the board at all times during their move.

If you move around a corner, the figure doesnt stay ON the board all the time!

Technically, if you ever lift a figure up for any reason, it comes off the board. Are you arguing that all figures must be physically slid across the board at all times? That would make moving around any tokens or other figures on the map quite difficult, whether the props they represent actually interfere with movement or not.

How do you jump a pit without lifting the figure to move it over the pit token while it moves?

How does a Blood Ape perform a Leap attack in your games if the figure is not allowed to ever leave the board under any circumstances while it moves?

How in God's Name do your figures move through a staircase without ever leaving the board, or use a glyph to go to Town?

Movement is measured square by square. As far as the game concerned, the figure is in the first square, and then it is in the square diagonally adjacent. It doesn't matter if you pick the figure up to move it and place it down again in the adjacent square, whether you slide it from one square to the next or whether you grab the figure, tuck it in your pocket, run 60 laps around the house and then return to place it in the adjacent square. Mechanically, as long as the spaces are adjacent the figure has not "left the board."

When the rules say the figure cannot leave the board, they mean you cannot move through the empty space between tiles. Just in case the whole "can't walk though walls" rule was throwing some people off.

The "board" is all the tiles connected together, not one individual tile. They're just saying there's no way to move a figure onto a non-space. You have to move them from space to space (tiles don't mean anything in this game).


Steve-O said:

Just in case the whole "can't walk though walls" rule was throwing some people off.

Technically, they don't have a "can't walk through walls" rule. They seem to have forgotten to include a section describing all the things that walls do.

Not that I know of anyone who plays that you can walk through walls, whether "on the board" or not.

Antistone said:

Not that I know of anyone who plays that you can walk through walls, whether "on the board" or not.

Well, there was this thread a couple months back...

(which, incidentally, also included some side discussion of the FAQ entry about radius effects, which has been a significant topic of late.)

Thank you for your answers guys.

Surely I'll play in the "correct" way due what Edo77 said.

Anyway ty=)

Edo77 said:

By the way, if you play it the "wrong" way, there are some maps with unreachable places, which is even more a reason for me to play it "right". Don't remember which maps it were though...

Problems Of Life And Death, for example. The stone nagas block the path.