Brood Lord Movement

By Ryukem, in Death Angel

Hi All,

In the rule book is states for Broodlords "Brood Lords have 2 movement icons, and their swarm will move when either icon is activated". This is clear and simple but i'm wondering if you have a swarm that includes the a Brood Lord and the event card shows a movement icon for 1 of the Genestealers in the swarm but not the Brood Lords icon does the whole swarm still move or does a Brood Lord swarm only move when you get a movement symbol that is on the Brood Lord card.


I'd say the swarm moves - that's why the BL is so tough to deal with, as his swarm moves around so often.


The Brood Lord moves, without a doubt, as it "is a genestealer in every way except:" and then comes the movement - therefore, when another GS in the same swarm is activated, the whole swarm (consisting of every GS) moves, including the Brood Lord (as it is a GS)