Dark Charm and Cannons

By Corbon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Can a Dark Charmed hero be forced to fire a cannon?

Obviously he has to already be in position.

For: No reason why not I can think of?
Against: A nasty way for the OL to risk/try exploding a cannon which is currently overheated - which permanently gets rid of the cannon (ouch!), damages the Revenge and does a reasonable amount of damage to the dark charmed hero and any other hero nearby!

Perhaps best done aimed at a dodging Lt, if another hero is not available as a target... High risk, high reward tactic?

Corbon said:

Can a Dark Charmed hero be forced to fire a cannon?

Obviously he has to already be in position.

For: No reason why not I can think of?
Against: A nasty way for the OL to risk/try exploding a cannon which is currently overheated - which permanently gets rid of the cannon (ouch!), damages the Revenge and does a reasonable amount of damage to the dark charmed hero and any other hero nearby!

Perhaps best done aimed at a dodging Lt, if another hero is not available as a target... High risk, high reward tactic?

Since it could only be done on Islands, I personally don't see why not. If the overlord actually draws Dark Charm and can use it on a hero adjacent to a cannon, I see no reason why he couldn't shoot it. It's an attack like using the hero's regular weapon attack.

Is it actually stated what happens to a destroyed cannon anywhere? While destroyed usually means its gone permanently, it could also mean here that it is just gone for that encounter or island level.

Solairflaire said:

Is it actually stated what happens to a destroyed cannon anywhere? While destroyed usually means its gone permanently, it could also mean here that it is just gone for that encounter or island level.

Destroyed usually means something like "removed from current play and placed back in it's original deck/'bank storage'. Everything that is 'destroyed' is 'lost' be the heroes 'permanently' but not sent to the graveyard, so could be redrawn at a later stage.

It seems extremely unlikely that a 'destroyed' cannon (from an explosion while firing no less) could be 'repaired' and available in the next encounter/island level. Remember it has exploded enough to cause damage to the Revenge. This is not a blocked touchhole or damaged mounting, this is an exploding cannon.

Corbon said:

For: No reason why not I can think of?
Against: A nasty way for the OL to risk/try exploding a cannon which is currently overheated - which permanently gets rid of the cannon (ouch!), damages the Revenge and does a reasonable amount of damage to the dark charmed hero and any other hero nearby!

Maybe I've been playing OL too long, but those both sound like reasons FOR to me. =P

The only thing I can think of against the idea (rules-wise) would be concerns about the DC needing to use an equipped weapon. But cannons are never really "equipped." They're special that way. Using a cannon doesn't require you to change your equipped items, but the cannon itself still isn't equipped.

Personally I'd be inclined to allow DC to be used this way, but like I said, maybe I've been playing OL too long =P