Movement Question

By Marximus, in Death Angel

I understand that a Marine may only move once per round when using a move and activate card. However, can you "incidentally" move a Marine two spaces?

For example, a yellow Marine is on top followed by two red Marines in the column. The red Marine player moves red Marine No. 1 up one space and switches places with the yellow Marine (thus moving him down 1 space). Red Marine No. 2 likewise moves up one space and switches places with the same yellow Marine (thus moving him a second space during the same round). Legal move?

I sure hope so, that's how we've been playing it :)


Correct. In your example the Yellow Marine is not "moving" (since he did not play the move+activate card" that is being resolved. He is simply "switching positions" with the "moving" Red Marine, as per the top of page 17. My understanding is that if the Yellow Marine had also taken a move+activate card, he could initiate his own "move" once per resolve action phase, and have his position switched by other moving Marines as often as needed during a single Resolve Action phase.

This could potentially lead to quite and exodus for a Marine in the course of a single phase!

This could also mean that the SM you just moved comes back to his postion, cause your fellow player also wanted to get piece of action :D

Completely legal move, I think.

Well, I play it that you can move a marine only once, no matter the source.
What sense would the sentence saying that a marine can only be moved once during the action phase have, if you could just keep switching him? Don't tell me that it was added for people, who think that the rules allow a specific marine to move a marine several times with his one movemant action card?

What's more it makes the game harder so it feels right.

I think it's legal to do that.

"Moving" seems to be a specific term relating to the use of Move + Activate action card. A Marine is not "moving" when he is displaced by (switches places with) a Marine that is "being moved."

QUOTE: What sense would the sentence saying that a marine can only be moved once during the action phase have, if you could just keep switching him? Don't tell me that it was added for people, who think that the rules allow a specific marine to move... several times with his one movement action card?

A Marine couldn't change position "several times" this way. At most, one Marine could be repositioned twice. That Marine will either be on the Yellow Combat Team that's using its unique movement ability (which means the Marine could move to any position anyway), or it'll be some other Marine getting shoved around (possibly against his player's wishes) who doesn't get the option of a facing change.

Ignore my comment. I've read the rules again and I see I've missed the part were it says that the limited movemant only limits the one whose actions are curently played.

p. 17 " Each space marine of the card's Combat Team may only be moved once during each Move Action ."

I read this to mean that marines from other colors can get bumped around multiple times by marines from the moving team. However, each marine from the moving team can only move once. Here's another question for you though. If Red team chooses the movement option and Leon swaps places with Valencio, his red teammate, does Valencio still get a move of his own or is he done? I've been playing that when two marines from the same team swap places they've both moved "once", so their movement is done. But I can also see the other side...which would be that they aren't done until EACH marine has been ordered to move.

I'd say both have moved.

Each space marine of the card's Combat Team may only be moved once during each Move Action.

As it's stated, it only affects the 2 marines from the combat team of the card that's currently played.

with a blue move+activate, you can only move every blue marine once (you "activate" a card with the action, which might affect another card, iirc the rule does not specify if and how the cards are affected besides being moved around).

in theory, blue marine A switches with marine B, blue marine A has used it's action. now you activate marine B, which might switch with marine A again. since you can affect other cards out of other ppl's turn (put a marker on them, by resolving an event card etc.) it does not matter who the other card belongs to, it would be in line with the rest of the rules.

imho. ;)

I have submitted this question to the author himself and got an official answer:


> On page 17: "Each space marine of the card's Combat Team may
> only be moved once during each Move Action." does that mean that if I
> swap the position of two marines of the same team (who chose
> Move+Action), the second marine's move cannot be done, because he
> would have already moved in the first swap? For instance we have 3
> contiguous marines (A and B being different teams): A1, A2, B1. Let's
> say team A moves. You could first move A2, which swaps with A1: A2,
> A1, B1. Then I cannot say: I can move A1, swap with B1 and obtain: A2,
> B1, A1. The rule "move once" would prevent this, because A1 would have
> moved twice. Is this correct?

Corey Konieczka:

No. Each Space Marine can only actively move once, HOWEVER, his position may change due to other Space Marines moving any number of times.

So this ends the debate: a marine from one team can move again, even if he has already moved, as long as he only moves "actively" once.

Well if they hadn't written that you can only move each marine once, everyone would know how this rule would work. And there would be noe confusion.

double post, nothing to see, move along ...