Rules questions: Initiative, using effects, Evangeline's healing

By StormKnight, in Anima: Tactics

Just a few things I was hoping to clarify:

1) Does initiative ever change? It looks to me like one player goes first for the entire game. I just wanted to make sure I had this right.

2) Can you use 'Effects' while in base contact with an enemy? Rules look like you can, but its a little unusual.

3) Can Sister Evangeline's healing power heal herself? Does she count as a 'friendly figure'?

4) If you use an Effect on an ally (Baal's Berserk power comes to mind), do they have to roll to resist?

Oops, one more!

Just to make sure, I assume all modifiers from special abilities stack.

For example, the knight in the Light starter has attack 4; Scarlet Heartbeat adds +4 and is a counter, so if he uses it he's got 4 (base) + 4 (ability) - 2 (counter) for a total +6 bonus, correct?

I'm 0 for 5 so far, but what the hey, here's one more:

6) Can you Dodge a Counterattack? For example; Cheshire attacks Kronnen. Kronnen Counterattacks. Can Cheshire then dodge the counter attack? (I see no reason why not, but it came up).

StormKnight said:

Just to make sure, I assume all modifiers from special abilities stack.

For example, the knight in the Light starter has attack 4; Scarlet Heartbeat adds +4 and is a counter, so if he uses it he's got 4 (base) + 4 (ability) - 2 (counter) for a total +6 bonus, correct?

This is the only one I know the answer to. Your interpretation is correct. Kronen would counter with a net 6 + 1d10.

Excellent questions - I was wondering about a couple of them myself. A rules book for Anima Tactics is supposed to come out this month. Clarifications may be in there.

StormKnight said:

1) Does initiative ever change? It looks to me like one player goes first for the entire game. I just wanted to make sure I had this right.

I have become obsessed with finding answers to your questions. I found a clarification on this one here: . To summarize, if you are using the rules that come in the starter sets (Saga 1), then initiative stays the same throughout the game. If you are using the book to come out in January (Saga 2), then you re-roll initiative every turn.

I will keep searching for answers to the others!

StormKnight said:

6) Can you Dodge a Counterattack? For example; Cheshire attacks Kronnen. Kronnen Counterattacks. Can Cheshire then dodge the counter attack? (I see no reason why not, but it came up).

Yes, you can Dodge a Counterattack. ( )

StormKnight said:

3) Can Sister Evangeline's healing power heal herself? Does she count as a 'friendly figure'?

The answer in article one on this page ( ) suggests that Evangeline can heal herself, as she also benefits from her Blessing ability.

Cubivore - thanks for your help! The link to that site answers the questions I think.

In fact, very useful to have a link to the actual site - I had no idea there was one out there other than what FFG had.

Not sure I'll get to play again, so it may all be irrelevant though :(