Release Date

By Xiayose, in Mansions of Madness

spirit said:

Sweeeeet. Wonder when the UK will get it.

It's available in the UK this Wednesday (2nd March).

Looks like the "Great Wait" is about over aplauso.gif


I have ordered my copy now from Games Lore in the UK...

Great news...

Bleached Lizard said:

spirit said:

Sweeeeet. Wonder when the UK will get it.

It's available in the UK this Wednesday (2nd March).

Brilliant, so it will be released in Australia in two weeks.

Amazon just sent me an email to let me know the ship date is now July 18, 2011. Oh bother.

I just got the same notice from Amazon:

"Unfortunately, the release date for the item(s) listed below has changed, and we need to provide you with a new delivery estimate based on the new release date:

Fantasy Flight Games "Mansions of Madness"
Estimated arrival date: July 15 2011 - July 19 2011

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay."

They had sent me an update on Feb 26th that said it was coming in early on March 11-15.

Very disappointing.

Yeah, I just got July 13th, 2011. I'm trying not to switch to one of the other shops I use, but I really want the game.

I have a friend in England who ordered this from IGUK on the 28th of Feb and it ARRIVED TODAY sorpresa.gif ...this was not what we when through Lexington & Concord for preocupado.gif .My preorder has been out there since last September.Major Envy going on here.


This is the answer I received from Amazon:


"Mansions of Madness" hasn't been released yet and the expected release date is not known. We'll make sure to update our website listing when we know more.

As soon as the item has been released, we'll be able to ship it to you. As per our standard policy, we do not charge you for items
until they enter the shipping process, so you will not be charged for this item until it is available and we have shipped it to you."


I also read on that it may be sold out at Fantasy Flight as well.

Would love to hear from someone at FFG if that is the case so I know if I should try to get the game from another source.

A week ago I got an updated estimated arrival date of March 10th (up from the 16th). Today I get an estimated arrival date of July 14th.

What gives? Is this just Amazon overselling their inventory? or has Fantasy Flight delayed the release? I would have thought the game was done since they had the preview event.

I don't trust Amazon with this kind of stuff anymore. The same thing happened to me when I ordered Operation Novgoroda new release date months after everyone else got it in stock. I figured what the hell. The price was good and it wasn't an urgent buy. Eventually they deleted the order without consulting me, and that DID get my anger up.

My Mansions order was placed with Amazon back in mid-January. I was happy about it, because a day or so later the price jumped from $50-$80. I got a notice a week or so ago my receipt date changed from March 16th to March 10th. Great news! Then today it changed to July 14th, 4 months after release.


If they can't keep track of how many pre-orders have been placed versus how many copies they ordered, and if they can't keep track of who ordered when to give a timely and accurate projection of when to expect my order, then they don't deserve my business.

Instead I went with Miniature Market, adding a couple of little items to get free shipping. Their website claims they have 18 more pre-orders left right now. (This morning it was 22.) I called to make sure I wasn't going to get yanked around like at Amazon, and the guy told me that FFG just shipped the games in the last day or two. Since they still have pre-orders left from the shipment, he said I'm assured one of those copies.

So in conclusion, I don't like Amazon.


I Pre ordered DungeonQuest from Amazon UK 7 weeks before its release and got the same messages as you guys...

In the end I found out that although Amazon takes your order they know they will not get enough copies to forfill the orders they take so they send out these mails to keep your order...

Guys, be wise and never order boardgames from Amazon ever...I cancelled my order to Amazon, and had to wait ages for my copy DQ as by then it had sold out!!!

As usual, when I complained they apologised and said this wasnt an ongoing occurance with them but after reading this thread I

I ordered mine Sunday at Games Lore and it arrived at dinner today...

miesdeldolor9 said:

Instead I went with Miniature Market, adding a couple of little items to get free shipping. Their website claims they have 18 more pre-orders left right now. (This morning it was 22.) I called to make sure I wasn't going to get yanked around like at Amazon, and the guy told me that FFG just shipped the games in the last day or two. Since they still have pre-orders left from the shipment, he said I'm assured one of those copies.

So in conclusion, I don't like Amazon.


I've ordered from MM before, and those stock listings seem to be very accurate. I just got an e-mail today saying that UPS has recieved the shipping label , but they don't have the box yet- I hope this is a good thing. I think it means they'll be getting it soon and shipping it then.

Picked my copy up today :) *happy sigh*

Yea, it sounds like Amazon is just dumb. I pre-ordered from Cool Stuff Inc back in October. Just checked in with them. Status is 'Order is processed and ready to be shipped,' and their release date still says 'estimated: March 2011.' So hopefully I'll have mine in the next week or two.

I cancelled my order with Amazon as well and placed it with Miniature Market. It was just so irritating to have Amazon e-mail me back that they didn't have a release date when there were people on the Amazon Marketplace selling copies through Amazon.

It's on shelves here in Toronto (401 Games, just shy of $80.00). Still reviewing contents but looks good. I like that it's not just "mansions" of madness but also "school house of madness", "abbey of madness" etc.


It's out now in the UK, too. Got my copy yesterday!

Somehow, I managed not to explode babeo.gif

K xx

Got my copy from CCG Armory, $62 shipped and in stock! Should be here Tuesday. And you are right, FFG is all sold out :(

I don't have a local gaming store to buy from and the online retailers in Australia are charging DOUBLE or more than what I paid at Amazon. If it were only a few bucks I would be trying to find a copy locally, but not for the wallet gouging rate that is currently going.

I'm really frustrated by the Amazon debacle, and frankly by the time MoM gets here in July (maybe?) I think all the lustre will have gone off it. I'm certainly put off rushing out to buy any more games for a while, that's for sure. enfadado.gif


Ugh, lame. The store I work at still doesn't have it. That's alright, though. Money's a little tight right now. I know as soon as it comes in I'm picking it right up.

x6ftundx said:

Got my copy from CCG Armory, $62 shipped and in stock! Should be here Tuesday. And you are right, FFG is all sold out :(

I got it without any problems in the UK. Mind you, my local dealer knows that anything Mythos based I'll buy so he saved me a copy :)

I just checked in with my local hobby store, and they confirmed that their shipment inlcuding several dozen copies of MoM have arrieved in Denmark, some of them will be heading for my country Norway including my preordered copy at outland, and I will probably have it arround 7th or 8th of March.

I must applaud FFG for getting their product out to the small retailers and hobby stores all over the world, and ignoring amazon and other big companies, that would just buy large parties just to press the prize down and let others starve. it looks like that is the case right? or otherwise Amazon screwed up big time.

I am soooooooooo glad that I canceled my order at amazon and went with my local hobby store this time. Dag you're a great guy.
If I'm right cudos to you FFG corazon.gif

PS: and I even got a better offer than that from Amazon. ha!

I always prefer to support my local dealer over the larger faceless internet companies. Apart from anything else he takes the time to talk to me about the games and give his opinion. Quite happy to pay a bit more for someone who actually cares.

I contacted my FLGS yesterday and she said their distributer had shipped them out that day, and the store expects to get them Friday. Yay!