Release Date

By Xiayose, in Mansions of Madness

Talos said:

I don't have a local gaming store to buy from and the online retailers in Australia are charging DOUBLE or more than what I paid at Amazon. If it were only a few bucks I would be trying to find a copy locally, but not for the wallet gouging rate that is currently going.

I'm really frustrated by the Amazon debacle, and frankly by the time MoM gets here in July (maybe?) I think all the lustre will have gone off it. I'm certainly put off rushing out to buy any more games for a while, that's for sure. enfadado.gif


Totally sucks Mate.


bish said:

I cancelled my order with Amazon as well and placed it with Miniature Market. It was just so irritating to have Amazon e-mail me back that they didn't have a release date when there were people on the Amazon Marketplace selling copies through Amazon.

I ordered mine from MM, and the UPS tracking code says it should get here tomorrow.

YAY!!!! The wait is finally over!!!

I got my copy sleeved and ready to go for tonight.

Mine arrived at my FLGS today. They received 6 copies, 4 of which (mine included) were already spoken for. I spent tonight separating tokens and sleeving the cards. Going to play my first game tomorrow night (not counting demo game last weekend), uwee! Got another game scheduled, with a different group of folks, Tuesday night too. Fun times!

It all looks great!

Well mine was on the porch when I came home for I took the rest of the day off! So far I've made it through checking all the Cards & figs & now it punch out time (I have a box of plastic baggies handy.I was really suprised at the size of the monsters,they are fairly inscale to the humans so the Shoggies are huge.