Well there goes the old plastic again
.Can't wait for more info on this & we get Monster figs too
Well there goes the old plastic again
.Can't wait for more info on this & we get Monster figs too
Yeah the fact that we are getting plastic Lovecraftian critters is the icing on top of this cool looking cake! So looking forward to this one!
Looks awesome indeed ^^
Surely I ll get it, as I love that kind of games/minis/H.P.Lovecraft =)
I think daddy just found what he wants the kids to get him for Christmas!
Yep, I have a seriously long list of games that I want and now this has jumped to the top.
Looks beautiful and that each game has a specific plot and theme that many complain that Arkham Horror lacks.
Merry Christmas to me.
I absolutely love Arkham Horror, but something about Mansions of Madness is a bit off-putting. The map tiles look kinda lame in their faux-realist approach. Nah, they are not kitsch, nor cartoonish but close. I am 100% buying the game as soon as it is out. Hopefully my fears will prove wrong.
Absolutely getting this game, Arkham Horror gets the most play with my group, and this looks like it will offer a nice change.
It does look cool. As I mentioned in the Arkham Horror forum, I wonder if they will do a cross promotion of characters and include character sheets for all games in the Arkham-universe, just as they started with the new characters in DungeonQuest by providing character sheets for all games in the Terrinoth setting.
I am definitely purchasing this one.
Nephilim42 said:
I think daddy just found what he wants the kids to get him for Christmas!
Thank Goodness I wasn't the first to post that....So, I will at least have your back when the lightening strikes both our houses!
This really does look very cool. I'm very interested. Actually, I'm pretty much sold.
I really do want to see the manual. Hopefully it wont be too long before FFG posts it.
This news really made my day
OhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGod. Where to i sign up?
I'm on the fence about this one, personally. I don't feel the need for a new Cthulu game in my own collection, nor do I particularly want another Me vs Them game. The figs, however, do look snazzy. Painted or not, they might cause me to take a few longing glances at this game on the store shelves...
I think it looks nice, but I would really have preferred a more co-op oriented game.
This game sounds REALLY exciting!!!
I must have misunderstood the description wrong, but it sounds to me like 1-4 players play cooperatively against the 1 on his own always, right?
Artemus Maximus said:
This game sounds REALLY exciting!!!
I must have misunderstood the description wrong, but it sounds to me like 1-4 players play cooperatively against the 1 on his own always, right?
Yes - The game is one vs one to four other players.
dvang said:
I think it looks nice, but I would really have preferred a more co-op oriented game.
Then it would be Arkham Horror. This is the game for those that want a little more of a competitive feel. Plus, if you want to be on the co-op side, you can still be an investigator and let someone else who wants to be competitive be the keeper. I love (let me repeat that, LOVE) AH. It's been my first and favorite board game for years, but I'm really happy to see something new come out under the apparently new category, Arkham Horror Files. I've never played Descent or Doom, but I've always wanted to. The problem is, I only buy a game when I can muster interest in it first, and I have a very picky group of friends. So, alas, I haven't picked those up, but Mansions of Madness looks like it's close enough in play style that I'll kind of get my wish, and they'll get to enjoy more Lovecraftian goodness. Maybe, just maybe, this will get them interested in Descent or Doom.
I am very excited about this game. When I heard they were releasing a new CoC board game my first thoughts were something along the lines of DOOM or DESCENT with a Lovecraft theme. That was my first choice and this seems fit the bill. I love the card game, love Arkham Horror and can't wait for this game to hit the shelves. I was extremely excited about the AH painted minis and went right out and bought my own copy of the base game.
It would be great if FFG could figure out a tie in with AH. Hope the painted minis are compatible. Regardless I'm very happy about this release.
Good idea FFG, I hope the game is as good as the idea.
And what a nice tie in for the RPG.
I agree.
Worst case, this product gives you a TON of material for the RPG. Best case, it's a great lite RPG that allows for quicker play and easier pickup between games. It reminds me a bit of the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay as well as Decent.
I'm also excited with the "Arkham Horror Files" label. It's be great to see more lovecaftian games coming out.
I've been saying for YEARS that I'd love to see FFG do a CoC RPG, MAYBE I'll get my wish someday....
Sure looks like we're heading towards an FFG take over of CoC doesn't it?
They could do worse.
I'm hopeful there will be expansions with new investigators/monsters/scenarios.
I love the whole concept of this game. It would also be nice if the painted minis were compatible but that's not a deal breaker for me either way. I"ll buy this game AND the painted minis. I was very upset with FFG when they appeared to back up on the painted minis concept.
I'm glad to see it back and I'm beside myself with impatience for this game to be released.
They know how to pull us !! This looks nice and like an alternative for those Lovecraftian gaming nights...
But, to make it awfully short, isn't it a mythos based Doom-like ? ( Well, with cards.... but will it really make any difference ? )
le_renard said:
They know how to pull us !! This looks nice and like an alternative for those Lovecraftian gaming nights...
But, to make it awfully short, isn't it a mythos based Doom-like ? ( Well, with cards.... but will it really make any difference ? )
Yeah, probably a little more like Descent, in that regard. Even still, should be a nice change up. I'm not really all that in to LCGs, so I never played Call of Cthulu, so I'm happy to get another Lovecraftian board game.
Looks great! I cant wait to read the rules.........
I cannot overstate how excited I am for this. My group and I have been looking for something new to sink our teeth into and I think this might just be it. No doubt my credit card company is going to love me too.
Don't get me wrong. My wife and I love AH for its co-op play. Comparing MM & AH, I see it as a potential for degrees. AH is a more 'macro' game. The characters move from neighborhood to neighborhood across the city. There is only a slim story, though.
MM is more zoomed in and more RPG/character focused. There is a "deep" story with a plot. The characters are in a single building/grounds. Players get to customize their characters to a degree. It seems like it is more personal and detailed than AH (again, not saying AH isn't a great game, because it is). However, my wife dislikes playing 1v1 or 1-vs-many games. We've played Fury of Dracula, for example, which she didn't hate but didn't particularly enjoy either. Perhaps it is partially because I am pretty good at boardgames, so when I play Dracula/the Keeper/etc I tend to do very well. She never wants to play the "evil", though. She truly enjoys working with others against the game.
That's why I suggested I was a bit disappointed that it didn't have a pure co-op option. While I expect that I will pick the game up, it won't see as much play from us because of the adversarial nature, unlike AH. I can probably get her to try it out once 1v1, but otherwise it will sit in the basement except in times where we're got 4 or more people to play. Conversely, we occasionally break out AH for some 2-player games with just the two of us.