A question on the Expansion Battle Plans

By Lyrek Galstan, in Battles of Westeros

I just bought the Wardens of the West expansion, so enraptured am I by the mixture of my favorite Fantasy Book series, and one of my favorite Board Wargames, that I tore into the new mechancis with gusto.

When I came to the new battle plans, however, there was one inconsistency. A keyword was mentioned, but never explained: Clansman. Was this an oversight, a space issue, or perhaps a renaming, perhaps Clansmen was a concept broadened into the keyword that became Disloyal?

I wondered about this too at first but then found the Keyword "Clansmen" mentioned in on of the latter scenrios.

I think its the third of fourth one.


Clansmen ,see Tyrion's Command Card on some it has special abilities for Clansmen.The Clansmen are present in 1 of the Battle Plans.They represent Tyrion's Mountain Clans (too bad new figs.weren't included for them as the Lannister Cav figs don't really match the image-but for just 1 Battle Plan I can see why they didn't)


Gotcha. Looks like a simple "if then" keyword, rather than one with its own rule text. Thanks ^^