Aura vs. large monsters

By Oor-tael, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I thought of a real world example for aura.

Take a couple candles, each has it's own flame.

Put them a few inches away from each other and put your hand between them.

You feel heat from both sides, no matter how big your hand is.

The heat can only heat up a certain part of your hand, the part that is closest to the flame.

If you were to have the candles very close to each other, maybe even stacked on top of each other (the same space)

The heat would feel hotter and it would heat you more.

You may not be able to tell the difference, but they are from seperate sources and give you more heat total.

James McMurray said:

The rule doesn't mention size at all. Why the continued assertion that it assumes medium creatures?

James McMurray said:

Unless you can find a place that redefines space in the game to mean "sometimes a 1x1 area, sometimes whatever I want it to mean" that argument has no legs.

Thanks for answering your own question for me... lengua.gif

Slime could have been an early form of Aura too. Maybe they were considering an ooze type creature that exudes it's "slime" around it at all times and would damage anyone coming close to it. Just a totally random and not well thought out thought I'm throwing out there.

Well well well... thanks everybody for your comments !

I fear we'll have to wait to get the final anwser, but this issue seems worth a FAQ update !

Meanwhile, I think my players and I will have to roll another die just to know how the damage applies... gran_risa.gif