Cardboard template misprint on sheet 8/12

By Branoic, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


I just bought this game and was popping out all the various tile pieces and tokens from the cardboard sheet when I came across a rather annoying problem.

All the sheets are numbered front and back from 1 to 12, but the back of my sheet 8 actually says 7 on it. See the picture below. photo.JPG This means that all the tokens on sheet 8 have either nothing on their reverse, or as you can see from the left hand side of the sheet - images which don't match the tokens!

For example, my two golf treasure chest tokens were on this sheet, and they're now one sided, meaning the numbers are missing from their reverse.

What can I do? Will FFG send me out a replacement sheet 8/12?


I have heard that FFG has fantastic customer service for things like this. You'll need to contact them about it, I believe there is a button for Customer Service when you mouse over the "More" option at the top of the page.

Yeah, Thaad will set you up with a proper token sheet.

The customer support is fantastic! Shoot them an email at:

[email protected]

I had a broken spider and they sent out a replacement very quick - FFG is really one of the best when it comes to these types of problems. Thaadd will probably be the one to help you out - he's fast.

He is even a She, as far as I know :-)

Parathion said:

He is even a She, as far as I know :-)

You are correct. Here's her BGG profile:

(love that girl!)


shnar said:

Parathion said:

He is even a She, as far as I know :-)

You are correct. Here's her BGG profile:

(love that girl!)


Well - I do stand corrected! :)

Hehe I wonder if she's known for her temper around the office or something? The name Thaad the Destroyer sounds kind of familiar.....

Just got a mail from Thaad confirming she'll be sending me out a replacement sheet :) Great customer service alright!

I'll second that. My son spilled some Mt. Dew on our map the very first time I used our set, and Thaad took care of it quickly and without any hassle whatsoever. Fantastic.

I third that motion! FFG Customer service is the Chuck Noris of customer services! I have had two glitches so far and they have always come through!

Thumbs up to them all around!