Some Options

By PewP3r, in DungeonQuest

Bought the game on an impulse last night on the way to a friend's house for game night.

Some thoughts after our first game:

  • Pay attention to the arrow-colors on the dungeon tiles! Each color corresponds to a category, and certain cards affect those categories.
  • Don't forget to use the "failed ability check" tokens to make your next attempt easier.
  • Not sure if you can go back through a secret-door or not? We played like you can, but couldn't find the rules.
  • If you dead-end right away, can you go back to the entrance and start opening-up the other path into the dungeon?
  • Monsters suck. Consider allowing victorious players a Treasure draw if they win a battle.
  • If a player dies, roll a d6 for each piece of loot carried. Rolls of 5-6 mean the item stays with the corpse and can be picked-up by anyone.
  • Also, if a player dies, allow him to choose and start a new character using one of the unused player-sheets. Dungeon tiles remain the same.
  • There's only 1 Rage card in the stack of Dragon cards, the rest are sleep. If someone draws a Rage card, immediately re-shuffle it back into the deck w/the used Sleep cards. Otherwise, it's too easy.

jstengren said:

Not sure if you can go back through a secret-door or not? We played like you can, but couldn't find the rules.

Nope. Secret doors are one-way, one use.

jstengren said:

If you dead-end right away, can you go back to the entrance and start opening-up the other path into the dungeon?

Yes. The tower spaces act like corridors... you must immediatley move again (can't end your turn on one)

jstengren said:

There's only 1 Rage card in the stack of Dragon cards, the rest are sleep. If someone draws a Rage card, immediately re-shuffle it back into the deck w/the used Sleep cards. Otherwise, it's too easy.

If the dragon wakes, after you resolve the effects on everyone in the chamber and they flee, you do reshuffle the dragon deck per the rules.

Great game, huh?

Good thread to share our ideas (whether you want it or not hehe)

After a few 2- and 4-player games we decided that the game is fun, but it's too difficult to provide real fun. So we made up a rule that each death gives you -500 points (fluff-wise: blessings of ressurection cast from far away by friendly clerics are expensive!). Also, we usually have more than 1 rune card. This way the game is still difficult, but you don't end it when you fail to dodge a swinging blade on your first tile etc. And now it's more likely that one hero (on average) manages to at least see the light of the day (and then hear the sound of closing doors and steps of approaching dragon...)

Played DQ with friends in 4ppl and tryed it solo.

Our suggestion about it: You are going to die in that dungeon and you have to do it more dramatically. If you will be lucky enough, then you will get outside after all.

More characters is needed. The rest is awsome and all was so-o-o-o funny, even death in the first chamber from swinging blade or botomless pit.

At least you had courage to descent into that dungeon. :)