skip the lanuch phase and end turn

By davidchin, in Cosmic Encounter

I am new to this game and have a doubt.

After I have chosen the destiny card, can I skip the launch phase and end my turn?

Pls advise. thanks.

davidchin said:

After I have chosen the destiny card, can I skip the launch phase and end my turn?

Nope. If it's your first encounter of your turn, then you must have an encounter. If that encounter is successful, then it's up to you whether you want to have a second encounter or not. But, once you start that second encounter (typically by retrieving a ship from the warp), then you have to finish it unless you've got some kind of card that makes it end early (like Super Oracle).

Are you sure that you can get a ship back from the warp before second encounter? I assumed that the regroup phase occurs only once in a players turn.

The regroup phase occurs once per encounter. The start turn phase occurs once per turn.

timingspacer.jpg As often as this has been coming up lately, I'm starting to wish they had designed the alien template like this: