Water Obstacles

By Bearpaw, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is there any possible way to cross a water obstacle besides the Fly ability? The other day a hero had the Acrobat skill and the wording in the FAQ regarding water seems to indicate a hero with Acrobat could cross it?

Acrobat allows you to cross water, because water is an obstacle. I believe the Water Pact skill also lets you move through water. But there's no way to get through water without some sort of special skill or ability (in particular, it can't be jumped in the way that pits can).

Cool, thanks for the clarification.

I have always been curious about something.

It has come up a few times in the RtL campaign. With that large water tile (the flip side to the sleeping bags and tree stump) What happens if a flying monster travels across it, and in doing so gets hit with a weapon that has web?

This can also occur in non-RtL campaigns, but less frequent.

What is the general rule for resolving something like this?

I thought I'd seen a ruling where if it happens to a hero they move back to the square they entered from, but can't find it now. That seems like the best way to avoid having a character or monster end up in an illegal position.

There's a question about a similar situation in the GloAQ , where a hero is left in an illegal position when his turn ends due to a Paralyzing Gas trap after he opens a door while standing in the same space as another figure. It says the hero moves to the nearest empty space of the overlord's choice.

I would generalize that to say that a webbed razorwing moves to the nearest empty space of the webbing hero's choice.

I would not handle the Web (or Grapple, for that matter) situation like the Paralyzing Gas situation and these are not completely comparable. The latter was most likely ruled that way because there isn't a good way to handle two figures ending up on the same space, while the space itself is not illegal for the webbed (or paralyzed, in that case) figure.

Especially in the case of the mentioned large water tile, this could lead to hilarious situations in which the razorwing could be webbed in the middle of the pool and then be dragged towards the edge of it (Spiderman, anyone?).

I can see no harm in simply leaving the figure where it has been webbed. Either it will be killed there soon, or - if it throws off the Web in its next turn - it has to move off the water anyway.

A beastman webbed (or Grappled) after stepping onto an activated glyph ends its turn on an illegal space as well and it would never be moved off that space (this was clarified in the FAQ for Grapple, IIRC).