About not getting second encounter due to lack of cards...

By Toomai, in Cosmic Encounter

That's really not a hole. The rules very clearly state that if you run out of cards mid-encounter, your turn ends immediately. The ambiguity was over getting the second encounter without cards, which the designer has clarified. So to put it simpler: Any time after the very start of your turn if you run out of challenge cards, your turn is immediately over.

satyr said:

Interesting, still some holes in the process though. if you lose your last challenge card after you start your second turn, does the turn end then ...

Yes ... specifically covered in the rulebook. Page 13, left column.

I have another angle here.

Somebody said that you only get on Start of Turn. That your second encounter begins in the regroup phase.

So does this mean tha Hate cant use his power in his second encounter?

Yes, I figured this out when a friend playing Hate destroyed me and the other players around the table. Hate only gets to use it's power when play passes to it from the player to the right. The passing of play from one player to the next marks the "start turn" for the next player. Each turn has up to two encounters, so if hate could use his power on a second encounter, it wouldn't use the term "turn," it would use "encounter."

Poor Hate. What a fun power, but hardly ever gets to be used. We played it as Regroup mistakenly and thought it worked fine, but I'll have to try it the normal way next time.