So I've just started getting into Anima and pushing it at my local gaming club. There's been a lot of interest in the different Organisations but I was wondering what other people played and why. I've decided to start out with the Holy Empire and have picked up enough models for a decent 300 point team with the ability to chop and change a bit if I so choose. I currently have...
- Yuri Olsen
- Lilian Virgil
- Janus Faith
- Daniella Meris
- Samiel
- Erika
- Imperial Agent
I thinking of throwing another couple of models in to push the team up to 400 points. The sole reason that I went for the Holy Empire was the fact that I really liked the models. The only one that I wasn't keen on was Yuri but I wanted a leader for the team and I liked his rules. I've decided to add a few more models to my collection so I've been looking at Claire Adelheid, Iosara and maybe a couple of wanderers in the form of Kujaku Hime and Takanosuke. I've also been looking at the new Black Sun Organisation as well.
At a club level we now seem to have two people interested in Wissenschaft, one in the Azur Alliance, one in the Church and one in Samael which seems to bring nicely balanced. On top of this the guy collecting Sameal actually owns a local gaming store and is going to start stocking Anima (this is great news as he offers a 10% discount to the club! So what factions do other people collect and why? I'm mainly asking because I'm curently leading the drive to get other people interested and other points of view would be really helpful.