Dance of the Monkey God

By Bashwilly, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is this card working during an outdoor encounter? Because the card said "in dungeon".

AFAIK there is no official answer. You can play it as written, or decide that the fact that outdoors didn't exist when it was created means DotMG should work outside, whichever your group prefers.

Bashwilly said:

Is this card working during an outdoor encounter? Because the card said "in dungeon".

Well, personally I would be inclined to say it's allowed in outdoor encounters since there was no alternative when the card was printed. Heroes in town would be safe, but they're generally not in danger there anyway. Heroes in an outdoor encounter are "in play" the same way heroes in a dungeon are.

On the other hand, heroes don't res if they get killed in an outdoor encounter, and turning the whole party into monkeys would make for an easy TPK, so I can also understand the arguement that the card is should not be played in an outdoor encounter.

I suppose I'll wait and see what other people come up with.

Well, if the heroes are aware of the card, and that it can be played on them, then they are foolish to go in and try and wreck a LT. The heroes would need to invest in Wind Pact to even consider going to attack the LT.

On the other hand, the OL could just chase the heroes around and scoop a ton of conquest if played right. At the solver/gold level, the OL is already weak, so why not do it. Would be fun.

Jonny WS said:

Well, if the heroes are aware of the card, and that it can be played on them, then they are foolish to go in and try and wreck a LT. The heroes would need to invest in Wind Pact to even consider going to attack the LT.

And woe betide the party unfortunate enough to be playing with the AoD expansion, but not the WoD expansion?

Ha! Didn't think of that. Well then, I guess the heroes really are boned :) Try to avoid a LT fight like the plague. lol

Jonny WS said:

Ha! Didn't think of that. Well then, I guess the heroes really are boned :) Try to avoid a LT fight like the plague. lol

Or just play the card as it reads...