2 questions: Rally all units & Adam Marbrands ability

By Ryukem, in Battles of Westeros

Hi All,

1. Both sides have leadership cards that say "Rally all units" Does this mean rally all units under 1 leaders zone of control or rally ALL units on your side? Playing to the rules I believe it means rally all units under 1 leaders ZOC but would like clarification.

2. Adam Marbrands ability (not outrider but the other one) says "when engaged, treat you attack as a flank attack instead of a normal attack". Does this mean that whenever Adam attacks a unit, it is always a flank attack even when attacking a unit for the first time, as you place an engagement token before attack dice are rolled or does it mean you treat his attack as a flank attack if a battle with the enemy unit and Adam has already occured and so an engagement token is already in place? As the rules state you place an engagement token before attack dice are rolled i have been playing it so that all Adams attacks are treated as a flank attack.

Anyone have any idea if an FAQ is in the works?

Any help is very much appreciated.

From reading the rules it says something along the lines of that when using any leadership card on a given commander it affects only units under the leaders control. Rally all untis would only rally units under one commanders control (2 hexes).

not sure about other question as I haven't used a scenario with that ability yet..

The command only affects units in zone of control, i think that tactics can affect the whole board, not sure though, it would be nice for clarification on tactics.

The other question about lanisster. He attacks as flank attack when engaged if i remember the wording of the card correctly, in other words he still engages, still attacks as a normal unit putting down an engage token except when making a natural flank attack.

It would work out as a flank attack, so you get to reroll one colour. So treat him as normal but with a flank reroll. Quite a usefull ability!

Im pretty sure about this one.

Great thanks for the info, im glad i having been playing these rules correctly. Hopefully we will get a FAQ soon!

Wording on p.16 of rules is:

"The effects of tactics and commands are limited to affecting units
in a commander’s Zone-of-Control (ZOC) of the commander the
card is played on."

i.e., both Tactics and command are restricted to the commander's ZOC.

Which seems realistic. Westeros has neither radios, nor magic spells to allow commanders to affect events outside their immediate vicinity.

XAos said:

Wording on p.16 of rules is:

"The effects of tactics and commands are limited to affecting units
in a commander’s Zone-of-Control (ZOC) of the commander the
card is played on."

i.e., both Tactics and command are restricted to the commander's ZOC.

Which seems realistic. Westeros has neither radios, nor magic spells to allow commanders to affect events outside their immediate vicinity.

That makes some of the tactics weak, like the ones which cause one loss per enemy and the ones which affect units out of control. I suppose you need to be really tactical to get use from them and use your commander to hit them where it hurts. Also in that case does the tactic action after you have moved the commander or before? As you could use the command card, move the commander in range of the units then use the tactic on those units. Complicated!

I thought most of the tactis made it clear if they are {Before, after or either at players choice}

Yes, ceratinly makes the "out of command" one difficult to use. I'd guess you need to capture an enemy comamnder, thus putting all the units that where clustered around him "out his command" to make this effective.

XAos said:

Wording on p.16 of rules is:

"The effects of tactics and commands are limited to affecting units
in a commander’s Zone-of-Control (ZOC) of the commander the
card is played on."

i.e., both Tactics and command are restricted to the commander's ZOC.

Which seems realistic. Westeros has neither radios, nor magic spells to allow commanders to affect events outside their immediate vicinity.

I just wanted to clarify that this is a mistake in the rulebook, according to the designer. Tactics affect the whole board.