RtL Treachery

By Kain_Dragoon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We're about to play RtL for the first time and I'm hung up on treachery. We've been using it in vanilla Descent and that's fine and dandy.

Here's what I'm understanding from reading the RtL Rulebook;

Using "The Titan" Avatar as an example; during the OL Upgrade step, the OL can spend the XP necessary to purchase a point of treachery. So. fully upgraded, The titan will have 4 monster, 3 event and 2 trap treachery.

So, when the heroes explore a dungeon, if the OL has 4 points of monster treachery, he puts 16 threat on the Avatar sheet and spends those as the "currency" on treachery cards with a red gem. 3 event, the OL gets 12 threat to spend and 2 trap; 8 threat to spend towards swapping out cards. No power cards.

For every point of treachery not spent, the OL gets an extra card at the start of the dungeon. Does that mean a whole unconverted treachery point or any of the four threat you got from using your treachery point? So, if you have 8 threat from the trap treachery but you only spend 6, you get 2 more cards?

Now, the cards the OL purchases through threat carry through the entire 3 levels of the dungeon and the OL does not reset every level, yes?

Hopefully, I'm not entirely wrong in reading the rules and have to be schooled!! lol

Kain_Dragoon said:

We're about to play RtL for the first time and I'm hung up on treachery. We've been using it in vanilla Descent and that's fine and dandy.

Here's what I'm understanding from reading the RtL Rulebook;

Using "The Titan" Avatar as an example; during the OL Upgrade step, the OL can spend the XP necessary to purchase a point of treachery. So. fully upgraded, The titan will have 4 monster, 3 event and 2 trap treachery.

So, when the heroes explore a dungeon, if the OL has 4 points of monster treachery, he puts 16 threat on the Avatar sheet and spends those as the "currency" on treachery cards with a red gem. 3 event, the OL gets 12 threat to spend and 2 trap; 8 threat to spend towards swapping out cards. No power cards.

For every point of treachery not spent, the OL gets an extra card at the start of the dungeon. Does that mean a whole unconverted treachery point or any of the four threat you got from using your treachery point? So, if you have 8 threat from the trap treachery but you only spend 6, you get 2 more cards?

Now, the cards the OL purchases through threat carry through the entire 3 levels of the dungeon and the OL does not reset every level, yes?

Hopefully, I'm not entirely wrong in reading the rules and have to be schooled!! lol

I think you've misunderstood a lot about treachery, lemme see if I can clear things up ;)

1) The starting XP you get as Overlord is only 15, regardless of the Avatar you chose.

2) Not many Avatars will let you buy even one point of Treachery for 15 XP (let alone 4 monster, 3 event and 2 trap).

3) You cannot spend starting XP on Treachery (just "Avatar Upgrade" cards, no Treachery, no Monster Upgrades, no Lieutenants)

4) I'm not sure where you're getting the Threat currency rules. When you start a dungeon, you spend the Treachery to buy a specific Treachery card. For example, the card "Danger" costs 1 (um Event?) Treachery. If you have boughten the proper upgrade, you can spend that Treachery and buy the Danger card. You then take that card (and any other Treachery cards you bought) and first remove any card you want from the Overlord deck and then secondly shuffle the purchased Treachery cards into the Overlord deck (so the card count should be the same).

5) At the end of the entire dungeon, remove all the Treachery cards you added and put them back in their Treachery decks, and readd the cards you removed (i.e. the decks should look the same as before you bought the Treachery).

There are other rules for Treachery during Encounters with Lieutenants, but I won't go into those yet. Does this clarify anything?


1)Yes. That i got.

2) I know that it takes MANY subsequent turns to gain XP and fully purchase all of the Treachery upgrades listed on the Avatar sheet, if one wanted to.

3) Yes. Got that.

4) on page 24 of the rulebook it says,

"At the start of each dungeon, the overlord player may spend
treachery to receive extra threat to spend in that dungeon. For
every point of treachery spent, place four threat on the appropriate
treachery section of the Avatar sheet (monster, trap, or event). This
threat may only be spent on cards of the appropriate type (spawn,
trap, or event). Power cards may not be paid for with this threat.
For every point of treachery not spent on threat, the overlord
draws one extra card at the start of the dungeon."

that is the section that was confusing to me.

5)Yep, just like Treachery in vanilla Descent.

So, I'm still confused about what it's saying on page 24. What are these 4 threats it's telling you put on the Avatar sheet? That is where I was coming from when I was explaining my confusion.

Kain_Dragoon said:

So, I'm still confused about what it's saying on page 24. What are these 4 threats it's telling you put on the Avatar sheet? That is where I was coming from when I was explaining my confusion.

That is if you're using the simplified treachery rules (i.e. you're playing RtL with no expansions. If you're using the real treachery rules that section does not apply.

James McMurray said:

Kain_Dragoon said:

So, I'm still confused about what it's saying on page 24. What are these 4 threats it's telling you put on the Avatar sheet? That is where I was coming from when I was explaining my confusion.

That is if you're using the simplified treachery rules (i.e. you're playing RtL with no expansions. If you're using the real treachery rules that section does not apply.

Omg. Thank you! All I kept thinking was that the OL was going to own the dungeon if he got four points to spend for every treachery. Ok. The rest is gravy now.