Word of Vaal and Dark Charm.

By Bashwilly, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The card of Word of Vaal state that "affect all enemy figures within 3 spaces".

If the overlord controle a hero with Word of Vaal, is the others hero are considerate to be enemy or the enemy figure of a hero is always a monster?

Dark Charm essentially makes the hero a puppet of the OL for it's duration, so during that time the other heroes ARE the enemy from it's point of view.

The FAQ states the following about Dark Charm when the Command ability is in the mix:

The hero no longer benefits from any heroes with Command, but does receive a bonus from any of the Overlord's figures with command.

So I would assume the same goes for Word of Vaal in that it would affect the other heroes. It doesn't affect the hero wielding it tho, as stated elsewhere in the FAQ.

Bashwilly said:

The card of Word of Vaal state that "affect all enemy figures within 3 spaces".

If the overlord controle a hero with Word of Vaal, is the others hero are considerate to be enemy or the enemy figure of a hero is always a monster?

I've always treated it as the other heroes are the enemy during a dark charm attack.