Yea, I read your thread over there at the geek. Like you, I don't have the game. I've only read the free scenarios and the instructions. They don't look that confusing to me, but like I said I have not played the game. It does look really fun from what I have seen. But, Antistone I have to admit player scaling is one of the big draws to the game for me. I hope it works cause it sure does not in Descent. We always play with 4 heroes no matter how many people are playing.
Shnar, you were bashing the cards thickness. Is it thin like FFG LCG thin or what do you mean? Hopefully not like the new D&D Essentials Red Box Starter. I got that for nostalgia reasons and while it is pretty cool, the power-cards are printed on basically paper. Literally the thinnest cards I have EVER seen. I don't think they are that bad based on what everyone else said at the geek. They all said thinner than MtG(very common with most publishers) but not as pathetic as you made them seem. Let me know what you mean by thin cards.