What next up for Descent Line?

By Nostromo, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Yea, I read your thread over there at the geek. Like you, I don't have the game. I've only read the free scenarios and the instructions. They don't look that confusing to me, but like I said I have not played the game. It does look really fun from what I have seen. But, Antistone I have to admit player scaling is one of the big draws to the game for me. I hope it works cause it sure does not in Descent. We always play with 4 heroes no matter how many people are playing.

Shnar, you were bashing the cards thickness. Is it thin like FFG LCG thin or what do you mean? Hopefully not like the new D&D Essentials Red Box Starter. I got that for nostalgia reasons and while it is pretty cool, the power-cards are printed on basically paper. Literally the thinnest cards I have EVER seen. I don't think they are that bad based on what everyone else said at the geek. They all said thinner than MtG(very common with most publishers) but not as pathetic as you made them seem. Let me know what you mean by thin cards.

Frog said:

shnar said:

Well I've played it 4 times now and I have to say, it's a very disappointing game. The rules feel slapped together, the monsters nor heroes are varied enough to be fun, and the adventures don't change enough of the game to get rid of the repetitive feeling. While it's a simple game as far as mechanics go, at first I thought this was going to be a boon but it's turned into a detriment. The game drags on and you feel as though you have very little chance of stopping the inevitable no matter how well you play.

A "Descent Killer" this is not...


Are you not the guy that claimed DOOM is better than Space Hulk? rofl

No offense, but I don't believe you!

I have *never* said Doom was better than SpaceHulk :P

But Antistone is pretty accurate on his assessment there. This is really a Tile Game, not a dungeon crawl. The spaces don't mean *anything* since all the heroes have enough movement to move to any neighboring tile, and when the monsters move, they ignore spaces and the heroes just put them on whatever space they feel is the most advantageous. So why even have spaces at all? Just have a tile that has figures on it (similar to Betrayal at House On The Hill).

The scaling factor isn't terrible, since a monster spawns on *every* heroes' turn, but only that hero's monster is activated, so the party isn't ovewhelmed by monsters, but there's plenty for everyone to do every turn. This makes single player games work about as well as 4 player games.

Not all abilities affect other players, though there are some that do, which is a hamper on solo games, but since you can pick your hero and it's not random, you can pick one that has better solo powers (like the Ranger). Though there's really no "leveling up" like you have in Descent (i.e. a hero with Gold treasures is something to be feared. A hero in RC that's gotten to level 2 and has a bunch of treasure is about the same).

And yes, the cards are incredibly thin, very paper-ish. My home-printed cardstock cards are thicker (if not as smooth).

All in all, a major let down. I'll probably write up a detailed review on Monday that really expresses my hopes and disappointments.


I guess if you did not make that claim then I can take your upcoming review serious!

Space Hulk is infinitely better than DOOM. (and I like DOOM)

shnar said:

All in all, a major let down. I'll probably write up a detailed review on Monday that really expresses my hopes and disappointments.

Well, that's unfortunate to hear.

As an avid D&D player I might yet be interested in it for the minis (and the tiles which I'm sure I can find ways to reuse in full-fledged D&D.) I won't lose sleep over it's quality as a game in its own right, though.

Frog said:

I guess if you did not make that claim then I can take your upcoming review serious!

Space Hulk is infinitely better than DOOM. (and I like DOOM)

Completely agree! I very much enjoy Doom, but I *love* SpaceHulk, and I'll play *any* edition sooner than I'd play Doom. In fact, I own all three editions, though it seems of late the 3rd edition is played the most, simply because everything you need to play is in the box and you don't have to hunt down special marines etc. But it was because of my love for SpaceHulk that prompted me to buy Doom (which in turn lead to Descent). When I saw the front I laughed and thought, "Wow, who would play a boardgame version of an excellent computer game?" But then when I saw the back and how the tiles laid out and all the plastic, I thought, "Wow, this looks a lot like SpaceHulk! I have to try it." Not as good IMHO, but does have more than 2 player rules and plays well enough in its own right that I don't regret the purchase :)

Steve-O said:

shnar said:

All in all, a major let down. I'll probably write up a detailed review on Monday that really expresses my hopes and disappointments.

Well, that's unfortunate to hear.

As an avid D&D player I might yet be interested in it for the minis (and the tiles which I'm sure I can find ways to reuse in full-fledged D&D.) I won't lose sleep over it's quality as a game in its own right, though.

Well, my friend and I are going to greatly mod the rules to make it more enjoyable. Also, the miniatures look compatible with Descent, so we're thinking about creating Descent Monster Writeups for them and using them in some quests.


About the main topic...

What I'd really like for Descent right now is an expansion for RtL/SoB. My Ideal expansion would be a mere "cards" expansion with lots of new dungeons using tiles and monsters (including bosses) from the WoD, ToI and AoD expansions. Somewhat like dungeons with Lava/Contaminated Terrain/Mud/Mist and with Deep Elves/Trolls/Cobolds/Dark Priests/AND-SO-ON Bosses! My ideal expansion should also feature new Heroes (the Zenaga ones would be great!) and Treasure Cards. Lastly I'd love more new Avatars (especially for SoB, which has so few choices), including Avatars corresponding to monsters from expansions (Deep Elf Avatar? Cobold Avatar? Dark Priest Avatar?).

As for new skills, they'd be appreciated, but I also believe that adding too many skills to the deck would both make harder for heroes to get the right one at the start and give access to too strong combos in the long term. So I prefer having no new skills, unless all consequences of adding them are well evaluated.

I like Descent Advanced Campaign system, hence I'd like FFG to expand that game experience as much as possible, making more usable Vanilla Descent expansion material for the Advanced Campaign.

That's just what I'd like though...


I would kill (uh, pay lots for) a consolidated rulebook and a dungeon/encounter pack to provide more content. New minis would also be awesome, but the content comes first. We play a lot of RtL and now SoB and want more random stuff to delve.

Also, when was the last time new OL cards came out? We need an OL deck update, too.

Does anyone know if the new reprint for Descent is going to be changed to reflect the faq and any errata?

Ringarin said:

Does anyone know if the new reprint for Descent is going to be changed to reflect the faq and any errata?

Probably not.

Declarent said:


I would kill (uh, pay lots for) a consolidated rulebook and a dungeon/encounter pack to provide more content. New minis would also be awesome, but the content comes first. We play a lot of RtL and now SoB and want more random stuff to delve.

Also, when was the last time new OL cards came out? We need an OL deck update, too.

There's a pretty nice consolidated rulebook for WoD, AoD, and ToI (RtL and SoB not included). I have the entire thing printed out and it seems really well organized. It even includes the latest errata and FAQ. You can find it here:
