I want to run tournaments at my store

By jasco games, in UFS Tourney Reports

So how do I get set up to run tournaments? Is there prize support? We give away plane tickets and entree tickets to GenCon every year, so do they play UFS there? I have a lot of questions about this game. I am very enthusiastic about starting it up at my shop, solely because I know how closely related the game system is to Warcry by Sabertooth Games, and that was hands down the best game of any kind I have ever played. That being said I was also the top seller of Warcry in the southern United States. So if anyone can help, I want to run official tournaments ASAP.


Jasco Games

The best thing to do would, likely, be to contact Josh Bromen at Fantasy Flight Games about becoming an official tournament spot. I say this mainly because I don't know what the new steps to get registered are, but I know he is the person that my scout deals with regarding any issues with tournaments we have.

In regards to UFS at Gencon, that is where the UFS world tournament was held, I believe, every year it's been active. The plane ticket/entry to Gencon would be a great idea for a tournament right before Worlds, probably after nationals. Also, check about signing up for a regional tournament...though I don't know if they are still accepting applications for that.

Just to clarify the contact at FFG would be Paul Bromen his email address is [email protected]

You can find out more about signing up your store, and running events by visiting here