I recently picked up a copy of Runebound and a couple of expansions. After reading through the rules and playing a game, I came up with a few (what I thought) were simple questions, but I've had trouble tracking down answers. Feel free to point me elsewhere if any of these topics have been hashed out thoroughly in the past.
1) The base RB game includes two more adventure counters of each color than are needed to set up the board. Are these extra tokens meant to be replacements if others are lost, or are they meant begin an adventure counter pool in the central counter pile before any tokens have been spent? The component list acknowledges these extra tokens, but the rules make no further reference to them.
2) There are a number of cards with effects that read "use before moving"." Do these effects apply before or after movement dice are determined for the turn? For example, if my hero has a single wound, could I play a "use before moving" card that removes a wound then roll all 5 movement dice?
3) There are a number of cards that allow you to discard them in order to automatically succeed at a given type of challenge. Are such cards discarded prior to resolving Before Combat actions? My assumption is that they are since any Before Combat action a challenge takes is still a part of that challenge. (If an example is needed for clarity, try Mistress of the Ferrox's Reward ability vs. Ferrox on the Prowl.)
4) If a character is carrying 2 weapons, can both be applied to the same attack (assuming both don't have to activated)? For example, if I had the Lightning Mace (always active, +4 to melee attack rolls) and the Mace of Kellos (activate-to-use, +2 wounds to successful melee attack), could both bonuses be used for a single melee attack? The rules don't imply that they can't (as far as I can see), but certain combinations of weapons seem like they might have the potential to be a little too effective.
5) In the standard RB rules, Encounter cards are removed from play after being resolved. In the Doom Track variant, however, resolved Encounter cards are used like all other discarded Adventure cards to help track the progress of the Doom Track. As a result, they end up back in the Adventure decks when a Doom token is added to the board and Adventure cards on the Doom Track are placed at the bottom of their respective decks. Should this be the case? Should Encounter cards be removed from the game if they are on the Doom Track when it resets?
6) When playing adventure expansions like Crown of the Elder Kings, if an Event or Encounter from the base game's Adventure decks is drawn, it is not resolved and is instead discarded, and an expansion Adventure card of matching color is drawn to replace it. When playing the Doom Track variant, do Events and Encounters discarded unresolved in that way apply to the Doom Track? If so, isn't the Doom Track variant exponentially more difficult when using adventure expansions?
7) Random Observation: If my first game taught me anything, it was that Varakas the Dead with the Dragon Rune of Abarax is a monster.