Hi there,
I have got a problem with the portcullis rules. The rules (page 8) say, that if you want to go through a portcullis you will have to make a strength test. But what should I do when I encounter an unexplored space and have to draw a Dungeon Chamber and this Dungeon Chamber is a portcullis with the entering arrow behind the portcullis. Should I obey the portcullis chamber rules on page 31 or should I first roll for the portcullis following the rules on page 8.
Both ways could make sense, if I do not have to make a strength test when I draw this Dungeon Room and enter it, it could be that the portcullis is some kind of a trap and closes when I entered the room and take a Dungeon Card. Otherwise we could say, that if I encounter a chamber with a portcullis, that I will have to make at first a strength test to see if I am able to enter the portcullis room and then take a Dungeon Card after a successful strength test. Does anybody have a solution??