My first game as overlord and my wife as a hero. Questions..

By enchanter100, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The only other board game I have played was wow the board game and we sold it because it took to long and was boring. Was afraid that my wife would think the same about Descent but she loved it! Anyway we do have a few questions though..

What is leadership exactly? We read it and tried to understand but just could not grasp the concept.. It seems like another hero gets to move.. but instead of the leadership hero or what? Can someone explain this better?

For the point of attacking, do your teammates block los or ability to do ranged attacks on monsters? Vice versa for monsters.

I know I had more but will add em during our next game.



Leadership will allow another hero to place an order, or the current hero to place an order.

Yes. Creatures will block los for the purposes of attacking.

Sounds like you are only running one hero vs OL?

The game does not scale very well in this case.

I might suggest running at least 2 or 3 heroes, at many as you can handle alone.

She was playing two hero's.

So creatures block LOS, but does another hero block los for attacking?

Yes, all figures (both heroes and monsters) block line-of-sight for attacks.

Normally, when a hero declares a Ready action, he may place one order (e.g. Dodge) on himself during his turn, and he may either move his speed or make one attack.

A hero with the Leadership skill who declares a Ready action may choose to place one order on himself during his turn, as normal, or he can allow another hero to place an order instead. In addition, he may both move his speed and make one attack, instead of doing only one or the other. It may or may not cost a fatigue in order to use Leadership, depending on which version of the card you have.

I'd strongly recommend playing with at least 3 heroes. I know the rules say to play with 2 when there's only one hero player, but the game's scaling doesn't work very well, and the game is extremely difficult for the heroes with only 2 of them (though this may be masked during your first couple of games by the fact that the early quests are easy).

Yes, you should play with at least three heroes, and starting with the fourth quest, I'd recommend playing with a full party (4 heroes). If there are only two of you playing, one player should take command of all heroes. It may seem somewhat difficult at first to manage a full party with one player, but it gets easier the more you play

Per suggestions on the bgg website forums, we actually started first with the player made quest, "The Rescue". I believe it to be easy and simple for new players. Thanks for answering the questions, it makes sense now. I'll be back with more if I have!

if you play with 2 heroes only (i do this alot), i strongly suggest using one of the 2 following house rules (or both):

1. the overlord may only spawn once per area

2. the overlord receives 2 cards per turn (as by the rules) but no threat.