What happened and why wasn't people notified ?
1) Calm down.
2) You were notified. Like everyone else with the announcement in the news section o f the site.
Read the announcement. It will tell you what you need to know.
This is a good thing. The new forums are tied in with the rest of the site via a content manager. I'm loving it already.
Ok I dig the new layout and all also I kinda dig the fact that we kinda in a mi-nute way get some spoilers to the next set can't wait for Basara
Another thing is that for some odd reason I keep looping back to the ufs page and not the forum list when I choose forum.
maybe because you registered on the UFS forum
Yeah my bad this things like eating strange food bad for the digestiive but after a while you get use to it
What the hell?
Body massage.
Accept these fine, sleek looking forums.
Well, I got a phone call from Fantasy Flight Games, but then I am the buyer for a store and they wanted to tell me about thier new games for next week. So not as supprised about this, just missing my scout forum
To be honest I was a bit shocked myself and I am a moderator for the heart forums but I also wasn't online to get my email talking about the new site so all is well and dandy. Yes I agree the new layout and new things they added to their site is certainly a step in the right direction for the company.
So if the site has changed... does where do I go for my tournaments? I just scheduled them and got them all sanctioned. Are they all going tosuccessfully make the transition over to the new site? I also miss my spell check.
The OP Site is the OP Site.
The link stays the same, and will eventually be integrated with the rest of this.
Note at the moment that the URL for all of this is "new.ffg..." As well, Paul's comments that the new OP site is a work in progress.
As one of the mods, there was a laundry list of changes we had recommended/suggested. (Including the tournament reports section) Many of those requests we were told would be put on hold until the new site was implemented... and voila.
For the moment, until non-scouts are able to browse tournaments in the OP area, I would suggest posting your tournaments in the tournament announcements section.
So...are any of the older threads going to be brought back? Can anybody besides me use their older name? Will Antigoth get his moddom back? Are they hiring new mods?! =D
Nice look, but really, I wished they could've done this when they were fully done. I come to find I have to wade through a labyrinth of pages only to have to make a new username and start from scratch.
Oh well, glad things are sorta normal, and I'm sure others will start posting once they've discovered what's going on. Mostly...
MarcoPulleaux said:
So...are any of the older threads going to be brought back? Can anybody besides me use their older name? Will Antigoth get his moddom back? Are they hiring new mods?! =D
Nice look, but really, I wished they could've done this when they were fully done. I come to find I have to wade through a labyrinth of pages only to have to make a new username and start from scratch.
Oh well, glad things are sorta normal, and I'm sure others will start posting once they've discovered what's going on. Mostly...
- Old threads that we want brought forward is upto us to go and copy and paste them over.
- Many of us who wish to use our previous names are doing so. All you have to do is create the account.
- No idea what they're doing with mods. They're still setting up the forums, so modship is being dolled out as staff go and ask the Webmaster to give admin access. Antigoth has not asked for his account to be spiffed upto mod. If it is ::shrugs:: that's his lot in life.
Regarding posting this once it's all working. 433 Aka Jeremy had the following to say about that
433 said:Thanks very much for this. It's 8:00pm Central Time, and we're still working on various issues. The massive crush of new users overwhelmed the system, and broke a few things. There's a list of fixes that are being worked on by the programmers this weekend, but please continue to post new bugs!
And as for the question as to the programmers, our partners at Edge Studio in Spain created this website. They have the same site themselves, and it's working just fine, so after we get the kinks ironed out, everything should be okay!
Thanks very much for your help in all this!
- Jeremy @ FFG
- Single Card Startegy forum idea should be sent and suggested to [email protected] per other posts in the forums, that's where suggestions for the site should be sent.
Haha... oldness.
Why was this thread dug out of november's trash?
I was freakin' out, what is going on and why do none of these links work and what's this about a new forum?
Then I looked at the dates and all was well
It probably happened that you accidentally clicked on Last Page instead of the number for the next page... happens to me all the time.