Questions about SOB

By gran_orco, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Please, help me. If the party kills a lieutenant, they gain 250 gold coins and 4 conquest tokens. But I do not know if they should roll 4 black power dice, too -like a normal encounter reward for killing all monsters-.

If the party ends a rumor they obtain the reward shown in the card. Should they gain a treasure map piece and 4 ct and 250 gold coins, like a normal dungeon? I think that the answer is no -it is an excessive reward-.

Yes to both. A lieutenant encounter is still an encounter, and there are no rules saying they don't get the reward. Likewise, a rumor dungeon is still the third level and nothing says that they don't.

gran_orco said:

If the party ends a rumor they obtain the reward shown in the card. Should they gain a treasure map piece and 4 ct and 250 gold coins, like a normal dungeon? I think that the answer is no -it is an excessive reward-.

Excessive reward?! HA HA!!!*

In the whole world wide web, I have yet to see heroes win a SoB campaign without house rules** (and sadly my group is not heading this way either), and you speak of an excessive reward? Good joke, lad.

*It is not a laugh at you; it is a laugh of despair at the difficulty of the game.

**If someone has spotted a SoB campaign won by the heroes without or with minimalist house rules, please post a message with a link on this thread.

Anyway, James is right.

Ispher said:

**If someone has spotted a SoB campaign won by the heroes without or with minimalist house rules, please post a message with a link on this thread.

Anyway, James is right.

Does ignoring the monumentally stupid FAQ answer to a falsely leading question count?
Not that it has made much difference yet, but we have decided collectively to treat ship upgrades as purchased by the individual, not the party. For reasons, search some old threads.

We are a long way from winning, or losing, but in very late copper we have only lost one city as yet and divine favour has never been implemented. We are one level and two (land) trails from getting our first secret training. If the level goes well, we will train (copper), exit to the nearest dungeon, do that dungeon (still copper) and then head straight back for a second training in SIlver. More likely the in between dungeon will already be silver level though, and it is still possible that we will only get one training in.

We've gone the 'ignore the seas as much as possible' route with only 1.5 levels at Hollow Wood before making landfall at Garnett.

Our campaign is progressing similar, with the heroes having slain the Siren, no cities razed, and Divine Factor happened once, but the heroes have pulled back to within 8. For Copper, where I expected the OL to have a good lead, they're holding their own. I'm very worried for Silver/Gold...


So I must give them all the rewards. Ok, thank you.

We are playing our first campaign and the heroes are winning at the beginning. That is why I did this question. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Corbon said:

Does ignoring the monumentally stupid FAQ answer to a falsely leading question count?
Not that it has made much difference yet, but we have decided collectively to treat ship upgrades as purchased by the individual, not the party. For reasons, search some old threads.

That's what I would call a minimal house rule. Your victory would count in my book.

I also thought we had taken a good start, but then... preocupado.gif (Although we haven't lost yet). Good luck!

shnar said:

Our campaign is progressing similar, with the heroes having slain the Siren, no cities razed, and Divine Factor happened once, but the heroes have pulled back to within 8. For Copper, where I expected the OL to have a good lead, they're holding their own. I'm very worried for Silver/Gold...


If you killed the Siren, you've started really well, especially if you play against an OL who has no other Lieutenant in copper (I don't want to put too much pressure on you, but if you don't win a campaign where you kill the Siren, then you probably won't win a new campaign in which you don't!). And being close to the OL in Conquest is great, because time will progress faster than if your heroes were worth almost nothing. Still, it won't be easy I think.

Who knows, your team might become the first to free Torue Albes from an OL?... Good luck also to you!

However I still see no link to (or report of) a victorious SoB campaign.

I'm the OL in this campaign :P

In the Siren encounter, I got a little cocky, but the scenario actually played out very well and everyone had a really fun time. The map had some rocks and I didn't want to put her waaaay in the corner to be "safe" (just seemed like a lame way to play), plus I liked using her to wack the heroes, but I did keep her protected behind a lot of rocks. The hero party was Runemaster Thorn, Cobin, Trenloe, and Vayrah (The Falconer). Three different times the heroes had gotten into range of the Siren (Thorn ported to her, twice), drank a Power Potion, and all three times rolled a Miss! Muhahaha! Teach those heroes to not aim ;)

On the last turn, all but Corbin were dead and I put the Siren and safe behind some rocks. This was a done deal, but I failed to calculate the ship's drift! It did maximum drift, putting the ship just in perfect line for Corbin to swing out into the water right next to the Siren and hit her. He offered her off BY ONE HIT! (and he had himself I think 2 or 3 hits left, so would have died on my turn). It was sooooo close, but really played very dramatic and we all loved it :)

Also, I'm playing Captain Bones so have no other Lts out yet (total CP is 188, so can't put one out yet). Understanding my plot better now (Ancient Machine), I probably shouldn't have even put the Siren out yet. and waited until I could have fielded 3 or so one week after another.


I've got a small question about SoB as well, I don't own it yet, but are there any parts of it that you can use in vanilla Descent or with RtL, besides the Nara character, the generic tokens and the one shop item? Can you add the dungeon cards to the RtL campaign for instance?

Yes, all the dungeons and rumors can be incorporated into RtL (as well as Nara), but everything else is going to stay separate unless you create your own custom quests. None of the Avatar Upgrades, ship upgrades, lieutenants, Avatars, etc are compatible with RtL.


shnar said:

Yes, all the dungeons and rumors can be incorporated into RtL (as well as Nara), but everything else is going to stay separate unless you create your own custom quests. None of the Avatar Upgrades, ship upgrades, lieutenants, Avatars, etc are compatible with RtL.


Thanks, that's just what I wanted to know, I'm gonna start up an RtL campaign soon, this gives me some more incentive to get a copy of SoB as well happy.gif

From what I've seen, the Dungeon Levels in SoB are more difficult (and scale based on the campaign, in other words the leaders are tougher depending on the campaign level) but the Rumor Levels are more rewarding (I guess RtL's rumors were rarely worth the effort of going all the way down).


Ispher said:

gran_orco said:

If the party ends a rumor they obtain the reward shown in the card. Should they gain a treasure map piece and 4 ct and 250 gold coins, like a normal dungeon? I think that the answer is no -it is an excessive reward-.

Excessive reward?! HA HA!!!*

In the whole world wide web, I have yet to see heroes win a SoB campaign without house rules** (and sadly my group is not heading this way either), and you speak of an excessive reward? Good joke, lad.

*It is not a laugh at you; it is a laugh of despair at the difficulty of the game.

**If someone has spotted a SoB campaign won by the heroes without or with minimalist house rules, please post a message with a link on this thread.

Anyway, James is right.

Hehe I too would be very interested in seeing a campaign where the heroes won without some house rules. Nice to hear that Corbon and Shnar's campaigns are starting well for the heroes at least. But when the overlord gets two LT's it can get very rough, very fast. Especially when he puts them on opposite sides of the map and just flees from every encounter (since he only has to move them 1 space). Shnar's heroes have a big leg up though, having the Siren down will help a LOT toward keeping the OL at bay, 3 LTs could get rough really quickly.

Yeah, but fleeings for pansies. I don't think I'll ever flee! (I say that now ;)


That's odd, I though fleeing was for people that didn't want to die. :)

Dyings for pansies too! Don't want to die? Kill the enemy!

As my favorite hero has said:
Crush your enemies,
See them driven before you,
And hear the lamentation of the women!


That's easy to say when you're the protagonist. :)

Best protagonist out there! Though book protagonist was way better than movie protagonist, but movie protagonist is still highly enjoyable to watch ;)

Which is an interesting question, is the Overlord the Protagonist or the Antagonist in this story? :D


That depends on whether I'm playing him or not. :)

shnar said:

Dyings for pansies too! Don't want to die? Kill the enemy!

As my favorite hero has said:
Crush your enemies,
See them driven before you,
And hear the lamentation of the women!


Ah yes. Who could forget those immortal words spoken by Frodo Baggins.

Ispher said:

Corbon said:

Does ignoring the monumentally stupid FAQ answer to a falsely leading question count?
Not that it has made much difference yet, but we have decided collectively to treat ship upgrades as purchased by the individual, not the party. For reasons, search some old threads.

That's what I would call a minimal house rule. Your victory would count in my book.

I also thought we had taken a good start, but then... preocupado.gif (Although we haven't lost yet). Good luck!

We have new hope in our SoB campaign. happy.gif

The score is 93-104 in favor of the OL (3 points away from silver), and the OL missed all his razing rolls with both of his Lieutenants (6 total, an 8.7% chance of that happening!), so that there is still no city razed... And we might be able to kick the Siren out of a city this week (the razing roll of the beginning of the week was already done at the end of our last session), so that we shouldn't have more than 1 city razed for some time... And who knows how many more rolls the OL will miss with Darkwind - we might still have all cities standing early silver!

We also have new hope because our OL bought Tomb of Ice, so now we play with feats (we didn't until before last session). They are really needed in SoB.

I still don't think we will prevail, but at least it is not always downhill like I was afraid it would be.