Here are two new Strategy roles for, ideally, Shattered Empires expansion. (They will permit five-player games with each player fulfilling two roles per round -- as well as the arguably ridiculous but probably entertaining nine- and ten-player games. It also permits markers to pile up on unchosen roles in double-roled four-players games.)
(9) Economy
Primary: Innovation
Receive two Command Counters from your reinforcements, and four Trade Goods.
Secondary: Exploitation
Receive one Command Counter from your reinforcements, and two Trade Goods.
(These benefits occur automatically unless declined in whole or in part. There is no cost.)
Primary: Level the Field
Mercenaries hired by your covert operatives (1) steal one Trade Good if available, or if not then one Political Card at random if available, or if not then one Action Card at random if available, AND (2) hijack one build unit*, from EACH player with MORE Victory Points than you. You determine which build units are stolen. You then receive one Trade Good from supply for each player with more Victory Points than you. You keep all trade goods and cards. The stolen build units are then distributed to players with LESS Victory Points than you (with the player in worst position getting first choice; one ship per player maximum. The recipient players may either place them on the board immediately in any controlled system, or receive their equivalent value in trade goods (1 if fighter).
*The value of a build unit hijacked may be no more than build cost (unmodified standard) = highest player's victory point total divided by three, round up.
Secondary: Damage Control
Spend 1 Command Counter from any location (including ships) to negate losses. The player of the strategy card and the recipients of stolen build units keep their plunder. If an action card or political card was plundered, it is replaced with a new one.