Tradelist from Singapore! Have Tekken

By Dakkon3, in UFS Trading

A new list from a new player in Singapore .


4 Patriot Games
1 Paid to Protect
1 Kazuya's Gloves
1 Phoenix Smasher
1 Searching for Family
2 Flinging Half Nelson
1 Gut Drill
1 Deadly Rings Technique

Throw-in Wants


Set 13
1 Designer Clothes
3 Fruit Picker
2 Destruction in his Wake
3 Kazuya's Glove
2 Lightning Uppercut
1 Test of Strength
1 Proficient Sniper
4 Purple Army Suit
4 Shockwave Palm
3 Ice Pick
1 Tekken Forces

5 Samba
1 Knee Thruster
3 Searching for Family
5 One with the Rhythm
4 Evil Intentions
3 Double Face Kick
3 Ready to Launch
2 Rolling Sobat
4 Cold and Indifferent
2 Lethal Fighting Style
5 Keep them Down
3 Overconfidence
5 Hammer of the Gods
5 Turn Thruster
4 The Ultimate Team
5 Boxing is Life
2 Killer Android
1 Christie Monteiro
2 Kazuya Mishima
1 King
3 Nina Williams
2 Paul Phoenix

9 You have no Rhythm!
5 Side Flop
5 Lunging Brush Fire
4 Asfixiante
5 Brazilian Beauty
7 Spinning Demon
7 Hell Lancer
4 Demon Slayer
7 G-Corp Leader
4 Mishima Family Bloodline
5 Jaguar Straight
3 Cobra Twist
4 The People's Hero
5 King of the Ring
5 Mexican Sensation
4 Wipe the Floor
5 Evil Mist
7 Stoic Assassin
5 War between Sisters
8 Sharing a Moment
4 Neutron Bomb
7 Tandoya
5 Rivalry with a Bear
6 For the Money
6 Best Friends
9 Mishima Zaibatsu Leader
6 Hunt for Jin

1 Heihachi Mishima
1 Bryan Fury
1 Steve Fox
1 Jin Kazama
1 Astrid
1 White Crane
1 Kilik
1 Faithful Bodyguard
1 Marius Gaius
1 The Peaceful Way

Set 12
2 Hunger for Souls
1 Soul Edge.
1 Tower of Remembrance - Encounter
2 Kulutues.
1 Hades
2 Hades Destroyer
5 Pseudo-Soul Edge
4 Alshain Najm
2 Controller of Souls
3 Corrupting Evil
3 Archeron & Nirvana
6 Sailor's Rest
6 Dark Geo Da Ray
5 Valentine.
7 Ice Coffin of the Sleeping Ancient
1 Raging Gnome
3 Menuett Dance
1 Shredding Vibrato
2 Flexible Body
1 Lightning Horn
1 Challenge to Battle
3 Unnatural Grace
3 Two Deadly Rings Technique
4 Stormhammer
4 Mighty Knee Strike
2 Jotun's Fury
3 Valkynsverd
3 Odin's Wrath
2 Paying Respects to Your Ancestors
3 Claws of Chian Tang
1 Fury of the Ancients
1 Driven by Fear

2 Monastery of Mt. Lao
5 Striking Thunder
1 Rage of the Dragon
2 Crane Strike
2 Descending Dragon Spear
1 Wandering Dragon Staff
2 Command the Sandstorm
3 Valued but Not Trusted

2 Midnight Launcher
1 Memories that Stains its Armor
2 No Forgiveness
6 Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of Time
2 Atoning for His Wicked Deeds
7 Immovable Object
6 Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants
8 Anger Towards a God
4 Pseudo-Soul Calibur
6 Tower of Remembrance - Degredation
5 Temporary Being
6 Curse of the Ancient Mariner
5 No Mercy
9 Howling Spirits
6 Artificial Soul
8 Researching Anywhere
3 Eiserne Drossel
7 Ostrheinsburg Castle - Twilight
4 Mesmerizing Dance
4 Aura of Srength
5 Siren's Call
2 Intolerant of Failure
6 Hammer Uppercut
4 Valkyrja's Shield
4 Unstoppable Warrior
2 Bloodied but Unbowed
3 Ascending Zephyr
2 Execution Technique Third Rite
6 Determined to Be the Best
6 The Dragon of Mt. Lao
3 Atoning for the Past
3 Calming the Mind
7 Flowing Strikes
6 Peaceful Path Hold
8 Endless Years of Practice
5 Armour of the Forsaken One
4 Dragon Lifter
2 One-Handed Crocodile Grasp
4 Dead for One Thousand Years

5 ShadoWar
2 Stand Off
8 Tower of Souls
4 Summoning Evil

5 Astaroth*
3 Algol*
2 Tira*
3 Hilde*
1 Zhao Daiyu**
2 Lu Chen**
4 Rashotep**

Set 11
2 Hoyoku-Sen
1 A Tradition of Fighting
3 Sonic Boom EXTRA
2 Spinning Beat
2 Yoga Flame ..
2 Crazy Buffalo ..
1 Your Mind is Known to Me
1 Gigas Breaker
3 Shadoloo Crime Syndicate
1 Psycho Crusher EXTRA
2 Omega Jacket
1 A Giant of a Man
1 Top Turnbuckle
4 Huge Appetite
2 Times Square
1 Ancestor Spirits

4 Boomerang Raid
5 Punching Bag
5 Guile's Comb
2 Impossible Contortion
4 Supreme Rising Rage Flash
5 Sworn Vengeance
5 Hugo's Body Press
1 Double Typhoon ..
2 Gift from a Friend
4 Neo Raging Storm
3 Self Confidence
2 Raising Storm
2 Annu Mutsube
1 Kim's Dojang
1 High Tide
3 The Blue Dragon
4 Galactica Phantom
1 Kid Sister
1 At a Distance
1 Trolling

4 Always Done First
4 Centennipierce Slam
2 Forceful Resolution
4 Travelling Man
5 The Evil-Doer Destroyer
3 Jeff's Gloves
2 Father Bull
1 Decorated for Service

Set 10
2 Hallowed Slug of the Heavenly Conqueror
1 SPECIAL MISSION: Swing Tomahawk
2 Dynamite Drop
1 Double Mittwich
3 Swallow Slam
2 Cutlass Europa
4 Sickle of Sin
1 Strangulation Blade
1 Mirror Fan Strikes
5 Punish the Weak
1 Tae Kwon Do Strike
1 God Hand
1 Self-diagnosis Program
2 Reckless and Impulsive
2 Mark of the Wolf
1 Arrogance
1 Explosive Earrings
2 Family Tradition
1 Special Ops

1 The Stars Aligned
1 The Maxima Reactor
1 Such a Popular Person
3 Preparedness

1 Arm's Length
1 Feral Shield Rush

1 Orichalcum
4 No I in Team
2 Blazing Soul Battery
All Characters from Set 10

Rares/Super Rares
5 Jaguar Thousands
2 Sniping Arrow
3 Scarlet Terror
4 Yoroi Doshi
3 Seichusen Godanzuki
2 Soul Spiral
1 Fei-Long's Roundhouse
4 Spinning Back Fist
2 Cammy's Flying Frankensteiner
1 Feline Spike
4 Darkness Blade
1 Dark Force: Mirage Body
1 Change Immortal
3 Senkyutai
4 Neo Deadly Rave
1 Akuma's Hadoken
3 Psycho Break Smasher
1 Dan's Dragon Punch

4 About Face
2 Penance
1 Taking Them Down a Level
3 Yoga's Adept
3 Dan's Taunt
3 Psycho Rolling
4 Death Cross Dancing
3 Fist of Rage
1 Backslash
2 Light as a Feather
4 The Price of Foolishness
4 Caught Up in the Moment
4 Genocide
4 Soul Absorption
4 Igyo Tenshin no Jutsu

2 Orange Gi
1 Battle Scarred Chest
2 The Blowfish Blade
4 Yoshitora's Girlfriends
9 Cage Arena
7 Magic Shop
8 Ancient Training Ground
5 Field of Storms
6 Sacred Temple
1 Bath House
1 The Nine Commandments
1 Accursed Power
1 Liquid Form
1 Looks That Kill
5 Ring of Fame
1 Superhuman Strength
1 Yang's Sneakers
1 Yun's Cap
1 Government Sponsorship
1 School Uniform

3 Crippling Strike
2 Rush Down
6 Cathedral Overlook
4 Preventing the Curse
4 Ayame's Scarf
7 Ancient Battle Ground
7 Blinding Speed
4 Mega Spike
1 Combat Programming


4 Heel Snipe
1 Chester's Backing
2 Warrior's Dream
4 Lost Cathedral Ruins
3 Broken Leg
4 Bleeding Internally
4 Cutting Edge
4 Nefarious Plans
4 Giradot's Leadership
4 Hualin's Shop
5 Varleria's Shop
4 Demuth's Sponsorship

Block 2
1 Ball of Yarn
3 Resolution through Force
1 Criminal uppercut
1 Challenge the Master
4 Cammy's Roundhouse
3 Darkstalkers
1 The Better K'
1 Break Free
1 Zephyros Wheel
1 Final Performance
4 Cool Hunting
3 Deadly Swarm
3 Soul Hive
4 +B
1 The Adrian
1 Requiem for a Moth
1 Zeltzereich Castle
3 Temporal Ascension
4 Spin Drive Smasher..
4 God of Metal(foil)
4 Megalomania(foil)
4 Sealed Away(foil)

Post here or email me at [email protected]

You've got:

1 Wind Storm
1 Explosive Earrings
1 Family Tradition
1 Family Heirloom

I've got:

1 Reanimated
1 Mysterious Stance

Hit me up on TCO via PM and we can finish this if you want to work something out?

Bump and bump and bump!

I could really use Ira Spinta's?

Anything else your looking for?

Still have Defender and BRT.

Still want your Ira-Spintas.

Any idea on what you wanna do?

I need your windstorm and ira spinta.

deathscrye: not really

Shady: no idea

Scubadude: didn't find anything I'm interested in your list

My BRT and Defender for your x3 Ira-Spinta and something small?

I'll hold on them for now



got these

1 Chester's Backing
1Family Heirloom
1 Reanimated
1 About Face
4 Tiger Fury


and bump

Updated with new sets!

Have these
1 Defender
2 Reanimated
1 Sardine's Beach Special
3 Charismatic

Interested in
1 Spinning Beat
1 Sonic Boom EXTRA
2 Your Mind is Known to Me
1 Friendly Rip
1 High Tide
1 Neo Raging Storm
1 The Blue Dragon
1 Darkness Blade
3 Ira-Spinta
2 Crippling Strike

Let me know if we can work something out...

MegaGeese , email me

So done. Also, I'd also be interested in the second Spinning Beat =P

Updated with more set 11!

is there any chance that u would be willing to trade ur spinning beats x2..have defender x1 x4psycho style 2x flashy leg work 1x clean freak and some other stuff from the new set

Could you email me your want and have list?

workin on a thread for myself later today so once its up ill let u know but have u traded the spinning beats yet or do u still have both

Both are still here

Did you look at my list yet its updated with set 11 ?

is there anything off the top of ur head from the new set besides neo raging storms that top ur want list cuz im only missing spinning beats

For Spinning Beat, not really