
By Darksbane, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

dboeren said:

OK, thanks. I'll go check out ccgarmory.

DANGER Will Robison, DANGER! Or Red Alert, or whatever other cheesy sci-fi warning you want to throw out there.

I wouldn't recommend ordering from ccgarmory for anything unless you are truly desperate. While it may look like they have the product you want in stock, they most likely don't. Their tactic is to take your money and then troll the internet for the items you ordered. And getting a refund, or any response really, isn't easy.

If you need further proof, go read the 5-page thread about them on BGG. It's not pretty.

Well, turns out they didn't have anything useful anyway, so… crisis averted?

On the other hand, Cardhaus does appear to have In Memory of Day so if my other order has truly fallen through (waiting for email reply now) I should be able to get it through them.

weird. i guess i don't remember my own experience. just went back and reread the emails and it turns out i ordered 2 IMoDs from them and 4 days later they emailed to say "uh… those aren't really in stock." i asked WTF they let me order them in the first place and then asked for my money back. 4 minutes later i had a paypal refund in my account. so, no real problem for me other than i had to go find those packs elsewhere.

Yep, it's confirmed that my first source ( doesn't have any more In Memory of Day so I ordered 3x from Cardhaus. Interesting quirk with them, if you order 3 packs the shipping is reasonable. If you order 4 packs, the shipping jumps $6-7! So much for nabbing some other packs in the same order!

Anyway, if this works out I'll have 3x of all the packs except Twilight Horror, which I will still at least have the Common cards for. That one's too pricy, so I will just wait for it to be reprinted or maybe make up some proxy cards for the remaining 10 cards if it comes to that.


will there be a reprint of the Core Set - with included card clarifications and errta - anytime soon? I'm planning to dig in in the COC TCG, but I have a huge problem with misprinted cards.


Mnemonaut said:

will there be a reprint of the Core Set - with included card clarifications and errta - anytime soon? I'm planning to dig in in the COC TCG, but I have a huge problem with misprinted cards.


Well, only three cards are affected by clarifications (+1 story card). Neither of them is significant enough that I'd ever noticed anything being wrong with the cards. And the one big faux pas of the core set, the mysterious faction change of Steve Clarney has been officially declared correct.

Therefore I doubt they'll waste time making changes to any of the cards before reprinting the set.

Errata is:

Serpent: "of Yoth" -> "from Yoth" (still not a realy good card)

Pulled Under: "at least 2 TT icons" -> "at least 2 T icons" (looked for about a minute to see what's changed)

Hound of Tindalos: "(counts as an Attachment support card)" added for clarity

Frozen in Time: 'real' errata, one domain -> each domain (still there are two more story sets, and while this seems like a big change beginers will not mill too much, and more advanced players will have secrets and sands story decks)

There are things much harder to intrpret on cards that are correct, i wouldn't bother with those. If core sets run out reprint will porbably have errata, but those chenges are pretty cosmetic or not that important.

I hope new format will not affect decisions on AP reprints, Dreamlands seem to be out and 3x version would be much apprecieated. First AP - spawn of the sleeper also seems quite hard to get and there are some really nice cards there, especilly to boost MU that recieved a nice big box.

.Zephyr. said:

Dreamlands seem to be out and 3x version would be much appreciated.

I just started buying 3x copies of all the old Dreamlands packs I can find, so they'll probably announce the reprint soon. :)

Thank you guys. Just bought the Core Set. :)

Mnemonaut said:

Thank you guys. Just bought the Core Set. :)


Congratulations. Let us know if we can answer any questions for you about rules, gameplay, etc…

I have one question, indeed: Can I mix the human factions with any other mythos faction, e.g. Miskatonic and Yog-Sothoth? Or is that forbidden?

Of course you can. Mix any of the factions as you need. Make it 2, 3, 4 factions, as long as you preserve a certain balance for playability.

It may seem odd when you try to imagine what kind of Lovecraftian tale your deck is telling, but faction mix makes for really nice complementarity & combos.

Single colors deck are too specialized to face every game tactics (but Cthulhu is still doing well alone), so at least bi-color is recommended.

Mnemonaut said:

I have one question, indeed: Can I mix the human factions with any other mythos faction, e.g. Miskatonic and Yog-Sothoth? Or is that forbidden?

plasticXO said:

Single colors deck are too specialized to face every game tactics (but Cthulhu is still doing well alone), so at least bi-color is recommended.

I wouldn't say that. Single faction decks can easily be viable for 99% of play. Would I take one to the world champ match? Maybe not, at least I'd think carefully about it, but for regular casual play you should be fine.

So steering this thread a bit back on topic…

A couple of packages arrived for me today, and my Dreamlands collection is almost complete. I've got 3x all of the packs now except for Twilight Horror which I'm still looking for. Got a couple of leads, but at least I've finished everything else.