Has there been any word on when the earlier sets will be reprinted. Some of those sets like Spawn of the Sleeper seem to be sold out everywhere.
A common question, and unfortunately the only answer is "we don't know." FFG has indicated they are going to reprint these, but no dates have been provided.
I hope the old ccg cards will be reprinted in lcg format as well.
Crag78 said:
I hope the old ccg cards will be reprinted in lcg format as well.
That would be good though I doubt FFG will do it.
The_Big_Show said:
Crag78 said:
I hope the old ccg cards will be reprinted in lcg format as well.
That would be good though I doubt FFG will do it.
We should be using A Game of Thrones as a guidline about whether CoC will reprint Asylum Packs. AGOT has a lot more Packs out there.
Has Fantasy Flight Games gone back and reprinted any old packs from AGOT?
I'd like to see that Court of Ytilll - thing for Hastur reprinted - in this big Ebay win I got a few days ago (well, it arrived a few days ago from Canada) - the guy had an "Eldritch Edition starter box" with two pre-set 50-card decks. They are all old CCG-black border ones - but some of them look really cool, like Nephren-Ka (Nyarlathotep's Avatar = ie, "The Black Pharaoh") - and this Court of Ytill thingy....If I remember (the cards are put away now) -it's effectively a "Support // Location" that can exhaust to be a Disrupt like Power Drain.....pretty amazing - if my recollection is correct. Anyways, there seemed to be many "cool" cards with powerful effects that would be useful in the LCG game.
I don't know that any of them were particularly "overpowered" -either....and no....no Ghoul Khanum, in case you were wondering - ! (what the heck was it supposed to be anyways...? Some sort of "Super Ghoul" or "King of the Ghouls" ? - why was it's card made so powerful ?)
I'm adding my name to the list of people wanting reprints. I don't see how FF can fundamentally offer this as a tournament product when some players have access to a much larger pool of cards than others.
As a new player, of course I want to be able to have access to all the cards, so I'd also like to see these happen as promptly as is feasible.
Rosh87 said:
I'd like to see that Court of Ytilll - thing for Hastur reprinted - in this big Ebay win I got a few days ago (well, it arrived a few days ago from Canada) - the guy had an "Eldritch Edition starter box" with two pre-set 50-card decks. They are all old CCG-black border ones - but some of them look really cool, like Nephren-Ka (Nyarlathotep's Avatar = ie, "The Black Pharaoh") - and this Court of Ytill thingy....If I remember (the cards are put away now) -it's effectively a "Support // Location" that can exhaust to be a Disrupt like Power Drain.....pretty amazing - if my recollection is correct. Anyways, there seemed to be many "cool" cards with powerful effects that would be useful in the LCG game.
I don't know that any of them were particularly "overpowered" -either....and no....no Ghoul Khanum, in case you were wondering - ! (what the heck was it supposed to be anyways...? Some sort of "Super Ghoul" or "King of the Ghouls" ? - why was it's card made so powerful ?)
The card you are referring to is Aldebaran Ascendant which was used successfully only in one deck and only in the waning days of ccg, and as far as I can tell was never a staple card.
Khanum is the female for Khan: Ghoul Khanum should be something like "Ghoul Queen".
I'm a new player (well I'm still waiting for the cards to arrive in the mail) and there are a lot of good cards out there in older asylum packs that seem like they would be fun to play with.
At least I was lucky enough to snag a copy of Spawn of the Sleeper.
Greetings. I personally, like a lot players in Poland and in the world, is also waiting for the reprint of "Spawn of the Sleeper" Asylum Pack. By the way if anyone has scans or photos of the "saga of Julia Brown"?
And sorry for bad english. ;P
Stories are on support page
I also wait for Sleeper and Dreamlands 3x reprint.
Thanks a lot! Dreamland 3x?
Ephraim said:
We should be using A Game of Thrones as a guidline about whether CoC will reprint Asylum Packs. AGOT has a lot more Packs out there.
Has Fantasy Flight Games gone back and reprinted any old packs from AGOT?
FFG has and will reprint all AGOT packs eventually. and the early ones, that had 40 cards will be reprinted in the new 60-card format.
btw: looking for packs like Spawn of the Sleeper? i still got a few in my shop at eaglecard.org.
With the announcement of the "Seekers of Knowledge" DX expansion and the news about the shift from monthy packs to 3 deluxe boxed expansions a year, do you think there's any chance for the old cycles to be re-released as boxed deluxe sets instead?
It would make some sense to make this shift universal and get rid of the smaller packs alltogether, especially if the reason for the change is to make the game more accessible to new players. Then again, each cycle would be a - what? - 350-card set? That's 3 times their usual size, so maybe not…
I kind of wish they would do it, though, since it would make it a lot easier to catch up if you're like me and been out of the loop for a while…
My general sense is that FFG will wait for the current stock to deplete itself before considering reprints. At this point, that's mainly the Dreamlands cycle, although I am hearing that a couple of other cycles are starting to run low on supply.
Logistically, it's just a lot easier for FFG to reprint using individual packs rather than the larger expansion size - although it wouldn't surprise me if they switched to larger expansion size reprints, if for no other reason than to reduce the LCG footprint at retailers (who have to be complaining about the shelf space the bazillion Cthulhu/Thrones/Rings/Warhammer LCG expo packs take up).
StrangeLibrarian said:
With the announcement of the "Seekers of Knowledge" DX expansion and the news about the shift from monthy packs to 3 deluxe boxed expansions a year, do you think there's any chance for the old cycles to be re-released as boxed deluxe sets instead?
A Deluxe Expansion of an old AP cycle wouldn't work for the reasons already stated.
We're just going to have to see how it goes. If the new format sells well, they may consider it.
However, due to the number of cards they'd have to split up a cycle into probably 2 boxed expansions. A full cycle is 360 cards, whereas the boxes we've seen are 165. Bumping that to 180 doesn't seem like a big change so I think this is feasible.
Until now, I've been waiting patiently for Dreamlands reprints. Well, yesterday I ended up finding 3x copies of Sleep of the Dead and In the Dread of Night on eBay for really cheap, so I guess I'm on my way to trying to collect the Dreamlands now. Journey to Unknown Kadath and Search for the Silver Key are both still findable so I'll probably order those next time I do an online order - which is whenever the War of the Ring expansion and Netrunner data pack are out.
It's only the first two packs: Twilight Horror & In Memory of Day that seem to be pretty hard to acquire now.
Now, you do have t pay a bit more unless you get lucky, but at some point you get tired of waiting
good luck dboeren… this is the path i took about two months ago too. you've discovered that the 1st 2 sets are tough to find. it can be done though! i got pretty lucky with the prices i paid. all told, 3 packs of TH cost me about 50 bucks total. but more than likely you could pay almost twice that. IMoD was getting a bit harder to find as i was doing my rounds. but now i imagine that stock is even further depleted! i had some luck with auctions on this forum, ebay and very random online dealers (like 15 pages in on google searches, etc.). i'll try to dig up the name of the place i found and you can see if they've still got 'em.
I appreciate the help, thanks!
I MIGHT have found a source for In Memory of Day, I'm honestly not sure. They showed it in stock. I ordered 3 copies. I got an email saying my order was received. The next day I checked their site and it no longer shows as in stock. So, did I get the last 3 copies, or did they discover it was an error in their stocking system? I haven't gotten any indication of my package shipping yet so I'm going to give it a few more days and see how it goes… But if it turns out to work, I'll only be paying $8 apiece and getting free shipping.
dboeren: i got 2 of my twilight horrors from cardhaus in seattle, but they're showing OoS now. the 3rd came from bloodhelmet's huge ebay selloff. i got 2 in memory of days from ccgarmory.com. they are confused there now about whether it's in or out of stock. dunno if this helps, but i wanted to pass the info along in any case.
OK, thanks. I'll go check out ccgarmory. I'm pretty certain my other In Memory of Day source has fallen through, now they're showing those items as "Cancelled" on my order and I'm having to fight them for a refund since I already paid for them.