RtL - Red Dark Glyph spawn mecanism

By Oor-tael, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello dear overlords and nasty adventurers,

I am myself an aspiring GREAT EVIL, playing the overlord in a Road to Legend campaign with a bunch of cunning heroes.

So I'm here to ask you people a question about the red dark glyph, because its description seems really incomplete to me.

It mentions that the activation and each use of that summoning glyph grants the OL the right to spawn 2 monsters (see list) following the normal spawning rules ...

What does that mean exactly, in the Road to Legend case ? Does the spawn effect count as a spawn card, or does it just refer to the usual line of sight rule ?

  • What about the spawn marker ? Does it have to be face up, or the effect is canceled ? Do you flip it down when the effect is triggered ? Or is it totally independant, and can be triggered multiple times in a turn (should the heroes decide to be generous to their lovely little OL friend ?
  • If a spawn is triggered, does it burn the one spawn per turn limit, or does it let the OL use a spawn card in its following turn ?

Thank you for your replies, they'll help me press my advantage (twice the amount of XP demonio.gif ) on these pesky adventurers trying to counter my evil plot !

Considering these were written pre-RTL, I would follow pre-RTL rules fort them. I.e. the "spawning rules" is that you have to A) play a card B) pay the threat for that card and C) spawn outside line of sight. I would /not/ involve the Spawn Marker with these spawning (i.e. if it's down, it stays down. If it's up, it stays up).


To the best of my knowledge, "follows the normal spawning rules" for Summoning glyphs in RtL refers to Line of Sight. You don't need to pay any threat since there is no card involved, and the Reinforcement marker won't flip because its rules refer to playing a Spawn card .

It is also independent of you being able to spawn monsters using cards, because again no card is being played so it can't count towards the limit.

Big Remy said:

To the best of my knowledge, "follows the normal spawning rules" for Summoning glyphs in RtL refers to Line of Sight. You don't need to pay any threat since there is no card involved, and the Reinforcement marker won't flip because its rules refer to playing a Spawn card .

It is also independent of you being able to spawn monsters using cards, because again no card is being played so it can't count towards the limit.
