Challenging, Battles and Action Phases Questions.?.?.?

By Junito, in Rules Discussions

You cant defeat Heartless from oponents world's right?...

Junito said:

You cant defeat Heartless from oponents world's right?...

No .

Can someone play heartless on wonderland lv3? or how exactly works wonderland lv3?...

You can play Dark Cards on Wonderland lvl 3. Wonderland lvl 3 works as thus; the person that played the world card can not play Friends Magical Friends and Dark Cards. If challenging your opponent can not play Magical Friends.

but say can not play dark cards in this world, so oponents can not play heartless in wonderlan, let me know...

Wrong, your oppoenent can play them because the effect is not on their field. Unless it says that it effects both players, like Monstro lvl 1, the effect, negative or positive, affects only the person that played and their opponent only when they challenge.

But the only one that can put dark cards on wonderland is my oponent and wonderlan say no dark cards can not be played here?, then for what is good wonderland3?...

Junito said:

But the only one that can put dark cards on wonderland is my oponent and wonderlan say no dark cards can not be played here?, then for what is good wonderland3?...

It's not. Lvl 3 world cards usually have a negative effect. Because it does not have it in the ( ) like D Castle or Hundred Arce Woods so it does not apply to your oppoenent,

If i play Monstro Lv1 and my oponent trow me a parasite can i trow another friend for complete the third one? how many friends can i have with monstro lv 1 in play? stealth sneak can be defeated with the effect of dumbo?...~^

After a battle can we put more friends?, cause you still on your action phase, let me know...~^

Junito said:

After a battle can we put more friends?, cause you still on your action phase, let me know...~^

After battling a dark card? Yes.

What is the dewcription of:

End of the Worlds

Chip and Dale

stealth sneak can be defeated with the effect of dumbo?...~^

Junito said:

stealth sneak can be defeated with the effect of dumbo?...~^


What is the description of:

End of the Worlds

Chip and Dale

here is a easy way to put it leon cant be targeted by discard effects if there is another friend on the feild

wishmaster said:

here is a easy way to put it leon cant be targeted by discard effects if there is another friend on the feild

He's is still immune to being discarded, however he makes anything else a more likely target.

If someone do a battle and goes wrong the battle is aceptable or he can return his cards where they was?

In a challenge if he trow a card and then he say oh my bad and take the card again to his hand is aceptable?

If i use Aerith in a challenge or in a battle example behemoth, Cloud have to stay right?, cause it say when she is discard it from the friend area

If parasite cage have a pal, can you trow another one of the same name?

If i have wakka +1 attack value to the player card and if i put a winnie the pooh lv1 (L/D), the plus 1 goes to 0 too?

I have the metal chocobo and i discard it myself, can i return it to my hand when i want or have to stay?

Well thanks and let me know...~^

Junito said:

If someone do a battle and goes wrong the battle is aceptable or he can return his cards where they was?

In a challenge if he trow a card and then he say oh my bad and take the card again to his hand is aceptable?

If i use Aerith in a challenge or in a battle example behemoth, Cloud have to stay right?, cause it say when she is discard it from the friend area

If parasite cage have a pal, can you trow another one of the same name?

If i have wakka +1 attack value to the player card and if i put a winnie the pooh lv1 (L/D), the plus 1 goes to 0 too?

I have the metal chocobo and i discard it myself, can i return it to my hand when i want or have to stay?

Well thanks and let me know...~^

1&2 depend on the player and the situation. My rule for it is if they say the card name it's down for good, if not and they drop it accidently or don't offically make it their move, i dont care.

If Aerith leaves the friend zone, yes that means challenge or battle, Cloud is destoryed when Aerith hits the discard pile.

If your opponents Parasite Cage has your friend, no. If your Parasite Cage has your opponents friend, yes.

No, Wakka would raise the atk value to 1

Metal Chocobo you have to activate at the end of the phase which it was discarded.

Thanks but can you make a example of the effect of metal chocobo?

So if i challenge and i trow stop and he forgot for some reasons or maybe he was distracted and trow a card or if im winnig the challenge and he cant win the challenge with any card that he have in hand and trow a card by the same reason maybe was distracted or do a miscalculation, can he return the card back to his hand?

metal chocobo would have to be returned to your hand with it's own effect during the end of the phase that you discarded it

By that example your opponent would have already declared that card in play. To aviod such misunderstanding, players can let each other know when they have played the card they wanted down. Ex the pass-off system where you end your card playing in a challenge by saying Your Turn, that person plays the card and lets the person know that they have made that decision. After that it's too late. Stop ends the challenge there so by all means if the end was in play and you played it, it's not their turn anymore.

And if i discard Merlin, stop would be negate it right?

yes, Merlin would be able to negate it.