Challenging, Battles and Action Phases Questions.?.?.?

By Junito, in Rules Discussions

Well i hope everyone help me with this questions:

1)How exactly Leon effect work? if i use simba and i choose him or aero, graviga or any card that you have to discard a card, its suppose that i dont have to discard him right cause it say, only in a battle or a challenge...

2)Simba lv4, can i choose one friend and simba stay or is pick one card and all other cards have to discard it including simba if i dont pick him?

3)Can Peter Pan cancel the effect of Behemoth?

4)Can i use magic in a battle or a challenge if the friend dont take part of it, just stay in the friend area?

5)Can i defeat a heartless from oponents world?

6)If i have aladdin in play and i challenge or battle can i play Genie from my hand if Al dont take part of the battle or challenge or i have to put it in the action phase or Al taking part of the other phases?

7) The same about Ginie, Can i play magic friends in a challenge or battles from my hand if the friend that i use his mp dont take part of it or i have to play it in the action phase or play it if the friend is taking part of the challenge or battle?

8)What is the effect of aquatank, i dont have it but i wanna know his info...

9)How much takes fantasy flight games to send the cards that us order with the heart points? and if somone know how can i contact those guys for change my choice of card let me know...

Thats all the question for know, if i remember other questions i will post right here, thanks for the help guy's...~^

all the rules questions are answered in the comprehensive rule thread

Q1)How exactly Leon effect work? if i use simba and i choose him or aero, graviga or any card that you have to discard a card, its suppose that i dont have to discard him right cause it say, only in a battle or a challenge...
A: "Leon" can't be discarded except as the result of a Battle or Challenge. This will mean that you must choose to keep him in play if at all possible, which may mean that you will have to choose to discard "Simba." You must choose Leon as the one friend to keep for Simba lvl 4’s Proud Roar effect.
Q2)Simba lv4, can i choose one friend and simba stay or is pick one card and all other cards have to discard it including simba if i dont pick him?
A: All Cards including Simba if you don’t pick him
Q3)Can Peter Pan cancel the effect of Behemoth?
Q4)Can i use magic in a battle or a challenge if the friend dont take part of it, just stay in the friend area?
A: Yes, because that friend has a magic value and in play on your field, you can play the magic card.
Q5)Can i defeat a heartless from oponents world?
A: No
Q6)If i have aladdin in play and i challenge or battle can i play Genie from my hand if Al dont take part of the battle or challenge or i have to put it in the action phase or Al taking part of the other phases?
A: You can play Genie during either Challenge or Action Phase if you have the correct Aladdin in play.
Q7)The same about Genie, Can i play magic friends in a challenge or battles from my hand if the friend that i use his mp dont take part of it or i have to play it in the action phase or play it if the friend is taking part of the challenge or battle?
A: You can play Magical Friends during the Action Phase or the Challenge Phase.
Q8)What is the effect of aquatank, i dont have it but i wanna know his info...
A: Aquatank – (come into play effect) If you opponent’s current World Card allows more Dark Cards to be placed on it, you may choose one Dark/Heartless Card from you deck and play it on that World Card. If you do so, shuffle your deck
Q9)How much takes fantasy flight games to send the cards that us order with the heart points? and if somone know how can i contact those guys for change my choice of card let me know...
A:Depends on the package size and if it’s in the US or not. Email is my best guess.
Thats all the question for know, if i remember other questions i will post right here, thanks

Thanks Roxas, but if the effect of Leon works like that then is not a good card...

oh and can you tell me the email of fantasy flight games, well thanks very much...

Can you use Sephiroth if you have Sora as player card?

If you challenge you can defeat a heartless too at the same time?

Junito said:

Can you use Sephiroth if you have Sora as player card?

If you challenge you can defeat a heartless too at the same time?

yes to both..but you have to do battle (heartless) and then challenge

oh but you cant challenge and battle at the same time like i win a challenge and i still got 3 atk that means i cant use it for battle?

If you dont have friends and you have Alice you have to choose Alice as the discard card or she stay there, the effect dont work for her?

thanks Roxas...~^

Can olympia discard Sephiroth or Cloud?

Junito said:

oh but you cant challenge and battle at the same time like i win a challenge and i still got 3 atk that means i cant use it for battle?

If you dont have friends and you have Alice you have to choose Alice as the discard card or she stay there, the effect dont work for her?

Can olympia discard Sephiroth or Cloud?

thanks Roxas...~^

Battle and Challenge has nothing to do with either other....
the turn goes

Draw --> Action (Playing Friends, Using Magic on Dark Cards, Battle,Playing Magical Friends) --> Challenge ---> Discard.


You may want to watch the How to Video for a refresher.

Alice (lame cards as she is) would have to discard herself. Don't run matter what you're a card disadvantage with her...

No..Olympia affects the last card played. Friends are played during the action phase and attack cards during challenge can not harm Sephiroth or Cloud... Simba, Gravity, Monstro lvl 1...all good ways to get them.

Oh olympia only discard the last card only played in a challenge? if you play any friend in a challenge olympia cant discard it cause he play it in his action phase right?...Thanks Roxas maybe you're kinda tired of anwsering but i just wanna be sure, oh and i just read once that you can challenge and battle at the same time but yeah i know the rules from the video lol, well luck...~^

If you do a battle and Sephiroth take part, you have to discard it? cause it say you can returned it after challenge, not say battle...

Junito said:

If you do a battle and Sephiroth take part, you have to discard it? cause it say you can returned it after challenge, not say battle...

Yes. If you use Sephiroth in a battle he must be discarded.

If you dont have any friend and you play simba lv1 from L&D you have to discard simba?...

Junito said:

If you dont have any friend and you play simba lv1 from L&D you have to discard simba?...

Yes, Simba lvl 1 (no matter if it's the promo or L&D) would have to discard itself to satisfy it's "Proud Roar" ability.

If i have Leon and Alice in play and i choose to discard Leon, Leon have to stay right?...

Junito said:

If i have Leon and Alice in play and i choose to discard Leon, Leon have to stay right?...

You can not choice Leon. Leon has to stay in play so you would have to choose Alice.

I feel like I'm getting repeative saying this but Alice is not as good as everyone thinks. I actually took Roxas_Lawliet's advice and I play test with different cards (always my crap aggro vs. the racer or crap racer vs Aggro.) and it's true Alice will always cost you more cards than your opponent. Simba and Monstro are more direct and quickier ways to get the job done.

Yeah im beggining to think that is much better to take out Alice, but i still dont understand Leon effect, Leon is good for what?...

Leon just makes sure there that you can not be completed wiped off the field. He's not great as he then makes your other friends more likely to be targeted.

Leon is security, if you run a lot of high level friends, he will be there to make sure they can get in play but he puts those friends at more risk.

why he put they at risk?

uhm what?! I think I understand what you are asking and he puts them at higher risk of removal, since you can't target leon to act as a perma-sheild you have to discard them. with monstro lvl 1 it can be a problem with friend limitation.

Is a good idea to put Leon on a deck?...

1) How exactly works monstro LV1?

2) Peter Pan negate the effect of stealth sneak and Invisible?

3) How exactly works The Cheshire Cat?

4) If i defeat the parasite cage, the friend that was taken have to put it again in the friend area?

Junito said:

1) How exactly works monstro LV1?

2) Peter Pan negate the effect of stealth sneak and Invisible?

3) How exactly works The Cheshire Cat?

4) If i defeat the parasite cage, the friend that was taken have to put it again in the friend area?

1) Monstro limits the amount of friends that can be in play for each player to 3.
2) Yes
3)Chesire Cat allows you to play an extra Dark Card on the top most world, when it's destoryed the Dark Card is still there but the Dark Limit goes back to the original.
4) Yes if you defeat Parastie Cage the friend goes back to the Friend Area.