Love the Common World!

By shadowtag, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I've been playing Runebound with my kids for several months now, and we just tried out Descent over the weekend. My kids immediately recognized some of the same characters from Runebound! That was a really nice touch on FFG's part and it built the excitement to play Descent.

Thanks FFG!

Ageed, I think the common world is really fun! Runewars and the soon to be released Dungeon Quest also share in this same Terrinoth setting, or "Runiverse" as Steve-O put it. He's compiled a list of some of the fluff and theme from the various games and put it here:

Can definitely be a fun read through if you are interested in that sort of thing.

Thanks for the link! I'm going to spend way too long reading through all of that.

DRAT! Now I have to buy RuneWars! You are evil, evil Kartigan! happy.gif

Oh, cool! I have a copy of Runebound. This little feature is definitely a plus.

I am probably one of the few out there who feels that reusing characters sucks badly...

I had hoped for different heroes etc for different games, but seems that FFG perhaps used the same artworks and figurines to save on cost. I felt short-changed when I bought the games and found there were similar hero figurines and pictures. It would have been easy for me to simply create my own hero cards for the different games and reuse the graphics and use the same figurines myself, thereby giving me many more new heroes in both games. Strangely enough, there are so many players who like how FFG reused the heroes instead of adding to the variety...

I *LOVE* it. It's easy to create custom hero cards, not so easy to create custom hero mini's, and if the new games are going to have mini's in them, I love that I can use them in Descent.

What I'm really hoping for now is a "Hero Pack", a box of 10 to 20 heroes that includes the miniatures can cards for Descent, Runebound, Runewards, and DungeonQuest.


In my group everyone wants to keep the character once chosen and not pick a new one every time we play, no matter if it is Descent or Runebound (and hopefully Dungeonquest very soon). It more or less has become a role playing game for us. Next step will be to leave the board aside (or only use it as a classical map heroes usually get for their quests gui%C3%B1o.gif ). With Steve-O's great work at hand (thanks a lot for that aplauso.gif ) it will be a kind of RPG light, with many cards that provide adventures, enemies and story background, from all the games in the "Runiverse". The Decent Hero Cards will suffice as Character sheets I'm sure. I like what I read about this world, but I also like the fact that there ist enough space left to develop our own stuff.

Wanderer999 said:

I am probably one of the few out there who feels that reusing characters sucks badly...

I can certainly understand how you (and others, I'm sure) could feel ripped off by the recycled heroes. It was a good way to save money and tie the games together in a very apparent manner, but it could also be seen as a lack of creativity as you say.

Pesonally I enjoy how it unites the games, having the same characters in each. Without the recycled heroes I suspect there would be more than a few people who never clued in that these games were supposed to be taking place in the same world (at least until RtL re-used the RB map.) I don't begrudge FFG trying to save money, and besides, this way I only need to paint one set figures in order to have full colour heroes for 4 games! I also have spares for most heroes in the event that my future kids and/or pets accidentally break some of them.

But that's just one of many opinions on the subject. If it makes you feel any better, I suspect recycled heroes might be on the way out now with 4 different games to supply them for. I'm not saying we've seen the last of the trend, but FFG has clearly been experimenting with alternative tactics in DQ and such.

One of the other things I like is that it's not always the same heroes in each game, a new game can produce new heroes that you can incorporate into your existing games. If Dungeon Quest just used already existing Descent characters, then there's nothing really to add to my Descent game (and I would probably be less inclined to buy DQ). But since there are brand new heroes, not only do I have a fun new game, but I now have something I can add to my existing Descent games!


Just watched the video on City of Thieves and kind of wish this was a Terrinoth world. It looks fun and would be nice if it carried on the established FFG world.


shnar said:

Just watched the video on City of Thieves and kind of wish this was a Terrinoth world. It looks fun and would be nice if it carried on the established FFG world.


Differing opinions for individuals lengua.gif


Wanderer999 said:


Which you would get if Calderon was in Terrinoth, all the "heroes" would be completely new. You would just also get sanctioned versions of these heroes to use in other games :)
