By James McMurray, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

It looks like we have a lot of new folks around, and I figured that's as good a time as any to point people to the official FAQ . There have been a lot of questions asked lately that are directly answered by the FAQ , which leads me to believe that there are probably some questions that weren't asked but that came up during peoples' games which could also be aided by reading it.

Descent is a really fun game, but unfortunately its rules blow major chunks in some regions. If you haven't read the FAQ , I highly recommend it. If you have read it, I highly recommend reading it again. :)

James McMurray said:

Descent is a really fun game, but unfortunately its rules blow major chunks in some regions. If you haven't read the FAQ , I highly recommend it. If you have read it, I highly recommend reading it again. :)

+1 to this especially. It seems like I see something new everytime I read that stupid document gran_risa.gif . It will answer a huge amount of questions though. I think I may make it a practice to read through it once before each session with my group.

100% Agree on this, and not because I feel any personal measure of pain when someone asks a question that could be answered by the FAQ that I have now, for better or worse, edited twice.

Cause if people don't, I'll have to start posting this instead of putting an answer:


And one wants that.

Big Remy said:

100% Agree on this, and not because I feel any personal measure of pain when someone asks a question that could be answered by the FAQ that I have now, for better or worse, edited twice.

Cause if people don't, I'll have to start posting this instead of putting an answer:


And one wants that.

At first glance, that Q looked like a G, which has a completely different connotation... ;)
