Question about Dodge Event and Guard

By Woerth, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have two questions.

The first one is with the OL card Dodge. Does the OL have to play this before the Hero rolls damage or can he play it after damage has been rolled?

The second one is about the Hero Guard action. It says it is an interrupt attack. The Hero can interrupt "at any point during the overlord's turn..." What times can the Hero actually interrupt? Specifically, can a Hero "interrupt" after damage is rolled to kill the monster that dealt the damage and therefore not take any damage?

The premise is that if the OL can play the dodge card after damage is rolled, then that is a time a hero can interrupt. Also, it mentions being able to "back up" for the guard action.



From the FAQ, page 7:

"The “Dodge” card allows the overlord to force re-rolls. It does not allow more dice to be added after the re-roll. Once the dice are rolled, any fatigue may be spent to add power dice. Once all dice are done being rolled, the Overlord may play the dodge card. Once the card is played, no more dice may be added."

"Guard orders can interrupt the overlord at any time. However, each action should be resolved in its entirety once it’s been begun. (For example, although you can interrupt the overlord if he declares an attack, if you choose not to the attack is resolved in its entirety before you have another chance to use your Guard order . You can’t wait to see if the attack missed or not before deciding to Guard.)"

So your premise appears to be wrong - Dodge can be played after an attack roll but before damage is applied, because that's the card's triggering event, but a Guard attack can only take place between complete "actions".

As far as "backing up", a hero with a Guard order can wait until the overlord declares an "action" (such as an attack) and then still make the interrupt attack before that action, in which case the overlord's declaration is canceled - after the interrupt attack is resolved, he can choose to do the same thing (if it's still legal), or to do something else in light of the fact that the Guard order was used. From the Gathered List of Answered Questions :

"Q. Does the OL have to continue his same course of action when interrupted by a guard action?
A. The OL may change his mind after being interrupted. (…) the OL can change his mind after being interrupted, (…) treat it as though you did a little 'rewind' to right before he declared an attack. The OL, after being interrupted after declaring an attack, may choose to continue with the attack, change its target, or even not to make the attack at all. (Edited to keep the context of the answer)"

Thanks! The best thing is that I realized I was looking at an older FAQ. Sorry for asking a question answered by the faq.
