More Terrain Dice...

By JCHendee, in Runebound

I took the time to throw together some more graphics to create terrain dice for some of the big box expansions. My group just finds this easier and cleaner for movement. I've also tossed together some "Experience Dice" stickers for creating dice that can be turned from side to side in place of tokens. It saves a little space and fuss during the game. You can find the graphics for printing your own freely available at my F.D. Downloads Page attached to my FantasticDiversions site. All of these have also been uploaded to in the files section for the appropriate expansions, but not all have been approved as of yet.


Very nice JC. I especially like the attribute dice...

Very nice JC. I'm definitely going to be using those!

I'm glad. We're currently using them in our games and they've been very nice for saving clutter. But one question...

Someone once asked if it wouldn't be better to have +2 thru +12 instead. Dice would be place to the side until needed, the added in the first time an experience token was paid for. The advantage is a die counter than can go to +12 instead of +10. Disadvantage... well, I guess a bunch of dice sitting around that have to be kept away from your character card so it's clear they are being used yet.

Anyone have thoughts either way?

Well, how about just adding a +12 to the sheet so that people can decide which way they want to use them?

I can't recall ever needing add +12 to a single stat in a Runebound game, but I agree with the sentiment that +0 isn't as useful as +12 if I had to chose between the options.

What a nice idea BTW. Those dice are so much easier to keep organized than piles of counters.

miles601 said:

I can't recall ever needing add +12 to a single stat in a Runebound game....

Never saw one myself, either.

talismanisland said:

Well, how about just adding a +12 to the sheet so that people can decide which way they want to use them?

And the obvious solution that I should have thought of myself. gui%C3%B1o.gif

I have undated the graphic so that it can be used with either range. (And yes, you're not supposed to increase wound limit as high as is shown, but what the heck.) You can find it via my F.D. blog (see link in my sig), or go directly to Fantastic Diversions Downloads . I'll arrange to update the upload on BGG as well.

Thanks folks.