Solo game challange! Aug 22-28

By BillStivers, in DungeonQuest

This my be a good way for us to play against each other week to week.

Use Standard solo rules and combat system.

Each player gets up to two solo games to post.

Players must post: Character used, Loot value and name, # of tiles played, # of catacomb cards played, Monsters faced.

Any other information is welcomed.

There will be two winners.

1st winner will be determined by total loot collected

2nd winner will be for best death, voted by people on the forums. (Let the writer in you come out)

This may help us find different topics to discuss on the forums and develop some friendships.

Good luck and have fun!

This was short and ugly!

Character Lindel, 8 turns,9 tiles, 0 catacomb, loot Unstable potion, 1 skeleton

********After being in the dungeon for only a short time Lindel fought a killed a skeleton with ease, but shortly after he found a stair case down to the lower levels.

As he began his decent, he felt cold, then grabed his chest and died were he stood.**************

Death - Shade turn 8 first turn after draw rolled snake eyes.

The card reads:

Shade - Threat

Keep this card. At the start of each of your turns, roll 2 dice:

2) You are killed!

3) Continue your turn as normal

Disard this card if you enter the Catacombs or exit the Dragonfire Dungeon.

Much better game!

Character - Krutzbeck, 26 turns,14 tiles,6 catacombs, Loot -70 gold coins and 4000 Gigantic Diamond found in the catacombs, 4monsters 2 skeletons and 2 sorcerors.

Krutzbeck escape the dungeon as the sun began to set!

I posted pictures on my facebook page.

I get my copy tonight finally - hopefully tomorrow night or so I can get 2 single player games in and post up some results. :)

sweet! I know I may have posted this challange a little early, since I got my copy at GenCon, but I think we can keep this going week to week or every other week.

First solo game:

Brother Gherinn was most eager to prove his worth today. Quickly making it through a poison trap, he found a corpse in the second room - but alas, nothing on the corpse. Figuring he should take another look in the room - that corpse had to have something with him after all - proved to be his downfall... The Ferrox in the room made quick work of him... ending his quest for riches and fame.

(Yes that's right - I got SMACKED in the 3rd turn by a Ferrox.)

Second solo game - using Brother Gherinn again:

23 Turns - 14 tiles.

First room - Razorwing - took one damage. After searching the room I found a secret door - which led to a corridor and into an empty room. After searching, yet another secret door that led me to an empty room. Making my way through a trap door, another secret door, and finding only a couple of Unstable potions I made my way into the Dragon's lair! Feeling lucky - I searched 3 times... in the first 2 I accumulated 1510 worth of loot, but thought hey - I'm here, might as well give it one more look... only to awake the dragon. Taking the hit (after re-rolling with Brother Gherinn's ability) I found myself left with 1 wound. Over the next few turns I used my 2 unstable potions (while searching for treasure) only to twice roll a 7... which resulted in no effect. After 3 successful turns of loot gathering I decided I better stop pressing my luck and get the heck out of there. Along the way back I found yet ANOTHER unstable potion, but was fortunate to earn back 4 wounds on that one... MIGHT now stand a chance in combat with 5 wounds... as long as I don't run into a **** Ferrox! After picking up 100 gold coins off a dead adventurer, 30 coins in a crypt, and picking up a bottle imp, I found myself being followed by a shade on the very last tile before I was out the door. After rolling a 1 and a 3 I breathed a sigh of relief, rolled and gained another treasure from the bottle imp on my way out (900 value Chalice of Tamalir!) and safely made it out before the setting of the sun!

Total of 9 loot pieces for a total of 1901 in value. Not bad for my first successful trip in the dungeon!

Character: Tatianna

Rune: Luck

First game I was doing so well. I managed to get to the dragons lair around turn 10 by lucking out in the catacombs and popping up three tiles away from it. I went down to get rid of the shade event card. Stayed three turns and got a total loot value of 2270 gp. Making my way back I went through the same three tiles I encountered from the catacombs. The last one was the spider web tile. Since Tatianna has a low strength I used the Rune of Luck to succeed on the first turn figuring I wouldn't need it and didn't want to waste time caught in the web. Next tile drawn was a trap tile. Drew swinging blade.......*died*


Nevron said:

Character: Tatianna

Rune: Luck

First game I was doing so well. I managed to get to the dragons lair around turn 10 by lucking out in the catacombs and popping up three tiles away from it. I went down to get rid of the shade event card. Stayed three turns and got a total loot value of 2270 gp. Making my way back I went through the same three tiles I encountered from the catacombs. The last one was the spider web tile. Since Tatianna has a low strength I used the Rune of Luck to succeed on the first turn figuring I wouldn't need it and didn't want to waste time caught in the web. Next tile drawn was a trap tile. Drew swinging blade.......*died*


Second game I used the same Character and Rune. Second turn I drew the bottomless pit tile......*died*

At least I got a determination token for failing lengua.gif

Nice, Nevron! I like the way you play.

Great games everyone! It looks like more people are getting there copies of the game. Can't wait for next weeks challenge!

Tatianna is my fayv so far - her special ability decimates most monsters and her agility is handy for many of the Dragonfire's other perils.

"Salvation Lies in The East!"

Character: Tatianna (drawn randomly)

Turns: 30


Rune: Opening

Loot: 5221 (Belt of Str, Giant Ruby, Crysal of Osiris, Loadstone, Qucksilver Potion, 40 GP)

A daring adventure against all odds

Highlights- 3 Draws of the Dragon cards - all sleeping - Tatianna power bow strikes - two times she decimated creatures with her advanced attack ability. A terrible tango with a Ferrox (it only had 2 lives and claimed 5 of hers!).

Tatianna entered in the lower left corner

1) Dungeon Room (DR) - 3 Closed Doors - A sorcerer (3) blocks the way - Using her special ability she drew three ranged cards and killed him before he could utter an incantation. She opened the door easily and headed east--

2) Entering a T shaped corridor she headed east again - ending up at the bottomless pit. In a daring leap she cleared the pit and plunged deeper into the darkness of the dungeon--

3) Now in an empty room with exits N and E she ignrred the temptation of the catacombs and turned her heels North only to find--

4) A massive Golem (9!) waiting for her. The stoney beast attacked ignoring her initial bow strikes - They tangled for what seemed like hours until finally she slew the monster-- but not without a price (-2H). Stepping over its rocky carcass and taking the only exit (east) she discovered--

5) A narow bridge - which she nimbly crossed, scattering only aged dust into the abyss below.

6&7) Stepping into an empty cobwebbed filled chamber she decided to push north once more through another empty room and North again into--

8&() An elbow corridor that turned and led her back to the west (curses!) int... a portcullis - thank the gods for her rune of opening - which in turn led her to a room with but one exit - west again now two squares off track she prayed for a lucky turn and lo--

10) Found a four exit room - with stairs to the catacombs beckoning again. "No way" she thought - "I've heard there's vampires down there!" Turning north now, hoping to circle back towards the fabled treasure room she--

11) Found little more than a dead adventurer and a dead end with a demon (5) waiting in it. A vicious fight ensued (tho' she caused 3 Wounds with her opening volley - she would take another 5 damage before she slew the unholy abomination--leaving her with only half her total).

12) Bloody but lucky - a quick search turned up a secret door - still empty handed, she knew she couldn't go back, and so she pressed on east again knowing full well as the door shut behind her, there would be no returning the way she came. She stepped into a narrow corridor that led yet her further east (at least she was heading in the right direction) into--

13) The dragon's lair and treasure room !!! She had found it! The impossibly mammoth beast slumbered deeply. Using her rangerly stealth she crept to a nearby chest and pulled out...a crappy loadstone and the crystal of osiris. Not enough for her troubles, she cursed--

14) Still the dragon snored away as she picked through a pile of gleaming coins to find - the forbidden tomb and the belt of strength (which oddly did not make her feel any stronger when she put it on- disappointing, that).

15) Now giddy with "goody fever," she risked the dragon's wrath a third time and...found the giant ruby and the quicksilver potion.

16) Here treasure thirst slaked (and with enough cash to buy that inn she always wanted) she decided enough was enough - time to go. And stepped out the north east exit of the room (seeingf as there was no going back) into a t-shaped dungeon room with exits North and East. From the ceiling a Ferrox (2 lives) attacked - Taking her by surprise (and 5 of her health) before she could snap its neck. Bloody and battered (only 2H remaining) she headed for the eastern exit to find--

17) The next room over was blocked by a portcullis - which in her weakened state, she struggled vainly and failed to lift.

18) Staggering back north now - she found a small room with only one exit - to the east again stepping through the threshold hopefully she stumbled into--

19) DARKNESS! Miraculously when she emerged from the utter blackness she discovered she had moved south and was now on the OTHER side of the portcullis she had been too weak to bypass earlier. With the only exit from this room being to the south, she headed that way only to discover--

20) A dead end! The day was waning and she knew she was still far from the tower rooms. A dead adventurer offered up a bubbly unstable potion - which she suspected might be the death of her, but instead luckily reinvigorated her spirits (+3 H). Now if only she could find a way out--

21 & 22) A quick search found nothing, but a more thorough one revealed an ancient Dwarven trip-latch that opened a long-forgotten secret door. Slipping through it she entered a 4 way corridor - which she took East again into a dungeon room with doors north and south and an exit to the east. Not wanting to muck about with doors and their nefarious traps and curses - she took the way of least resistance.

23 & 24) An empty room which turned thankfully north again - she could sense she was near the edges of the dungeons outer walls but as she quickened her pace again stumbled into a room with a animated skeleton (3), glowing green with undeath. A vicious fight ensued Her opening volley causing only minor damage(1) exhaustion and battle weariness had taken their toll and it was only by luck and a death blow that she ultimately escaped death (reduced back to 2H)...for the moment.

25-28) Pressing northward again through room after room - knowing time was running out she found herself at...

29) ...A dead end ..she was done for. (rolled a 5 for the sunset here).

30) Muttering to any god that would listen, and searching every inch of the room. by all that was holy-- she found a secret door and emerged into the tower room (The North East One) - alighting the stairs to freedom and singing a song of victory. She would name her inn-- The Light of The East

BillStivers said:

Great games everyone! It looks like more people are getting there copies of the game. Can't wait for next weeks challenge!

Can't wait for my copy. If the info at the USPS and my local post service sites are true, it is in customs. Argh... give it to me already.

wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great post sir! You have my vote for the all the hard work you put into your post! I want to visit "The Light of the East" and buy a ale.

Game One, Character: Lindel

On his way to the treasure chamber, Lindel encountered a mad sorcerer (whom he defeated with ease), a crypt, and a dead adventurer. The path was easy, until a portcullis fell behind him, sealing him in a dead end very close to the treasure chamber. Casting the magic bound within his Rune of Vision, Lindel found a Secret Door, and made his way to the Treasure Chamber. Lindel looted as much as he dared before leaving well enough alone and turning to make his way back.

The journey back proved more dangerous than the journey in, however. Lindel first narrowly avoided a Bottomless Pit, and then cunningly overcame a Demon in combat. A sudden Cave-In proved a brief barrier, as did an older Cave-In blocking the passage. A skeleton and a golem next set upon our hero, and the golem even managed to wound him slightly before Lindel made his way into a room of darkness. Time was running out, and Lindel feared this darkness would keep him from his freedom, but luck won the day. Lindel's final challenge was an inept Troll; it did little to stop his dash to freedom.

Game Stats: 24 Turns; 17 Tiles; 0 Catacomb Spaces; 3100 coins worth of loot. Loot included a Bag of Gems, Rune Scarab, Vestments of Kellos, and a few others. Lindel escaped the Dungeon with only two wounds!

Game Two, Character: Lindel

Feeling brave and a little immortal from his previous journey into the Dungeon, Lindel chose to enter again. This time, Spider Webs blocked the entrance, and despite Lindel's skill, he found himself quickly delayed by them. When he fought his way through, he found himself in a dead end, his only company an icy, murderous Shade. The shade stalked Lindel back through the webs and down a corridor into Darkness. Within the Darkness, Lindel found himself turned around twice, both times wandering back the way he came. As Lindel turned to enter the Darkness a third time, he discovered the Darkness rushing towards him - the Shade had caught up with Lindel, and he died in its freezing grasp.

Game Stats: 9 Turns; 5 Tiles, 0 Catacomb Spaces, 50 Coins worth of loot found on a Dead Adventurer.

Lots of death! Bring on the death!

Ok , one of my most hilarious deaths.

I played Hugo the Glorious and was running for the Exit with 2340 Gold value of treasure, and ended up in a dead end.

No, time to turn Back so I had to search the room. I drew a Secret Passage.Time to go on and no time to waste.The next Dungeon Tile was another dead end( **** ).

Trapped with no way to turn back , I had to press my luck. First Search Card : "Empty". I prayed as i drew my second Search Card and...

it was a Secred Passage. Only Two Tiles away from the exit and enough time, what could propaby go wrong. I drew a Dungeon Tile and it was...


Whit a Luck Score of 3 I naturally ended up screaming in agony while falling in the deep.

Yeah, Hugo and Pits do not go well together, It is a shame none of the magic loot enhance your character's abilities.

First game, character Lindel.

Started off well enough, avoided a trap, found some corpses, but no real treasure, the problem seemed to be that my path was snaking up and down the board rather than towards the treasure chamber. A cave in slowed him down further, then a rotating room cut off his escape and led to a dead end. Luckily he found a secret door to continue his journey, and with about half the time gone and still a few squares from the treasure chamber, when he found an entrance to the catacombs.

With a bit a loot and it being my first game, i thought it was time to get out and through the catacombs seemed like the quickest way out, due to the extra squares you can get on the random dice roll. I headed off into a clean area of the board and towards one of the exits.

In the catacombs, found and killed a skeleton (first fight went ok, except when the skeleton landed a counter blow and every one of the five cards from the deck could be used, more shuffling needed, i think!) and got more loot,

then found an exit close to a tower as the sun began to set.

made, a sun setting roll and got to the final chamber before the tower, he was home and dry surely. Then a bladed trap came from no where and despite Lindel's re roll, killed him dead.

The exit was in sight, goddamn it!!!

Good game though, good laugh!

pumpkin said:

First game, character Lindel.

Started off well enough, avoided a trap, found some corpses, but no real treasure, the problem seemed to be that my path was snaking up and down the board rather than towards the treasure chamber. A cave in slowed him down further, then a rotating room cut off his escape and led to a dead end. Luckily he found a secret door to continue his journey, and with about half the time gone and still a few squares from the treasure chamber, when he found an entrance to the catacombs.

With a bit a loot and it being my first game, i thought it was time to get out and through the catacombs seemed like the quickest way out, due to the extra squares you can get on the random dice roll. I headed off into a clean area of the board and towards one of the exits.

In the catacombs, found and killed a skeleton (first fight went ok, except when the skeleton landed a counter blow and every one of the five cards from the deck could be used, more shuffling needed, i think!) and got more loot,

then found an exit close to a tower as the sun began to set.

made, a sun setting roll and got to the final chamber before the tower, he was home and dry surely. Then a bladed trap came from no where and despite Lindel's re roll, killed him dead

Good game though, good laugh!

Great game! We have had so much fun playing this game. Also once you get quick at the set up of the game it can be played fairly quickly and be once of many games played at game night.